Grand Knight, Michael Bullock |
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16) |
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,
Do you have a favorite part of the Holy Mass? I do. My favorite part is when the Celebrant raises the Consecrated Chalice of Blood and Holy Communion of the Lord’s Being and says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sins of the world, blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb.” As a veteran I also love the response proclaimed by the congregation quoting a Centurion who said to our Lord, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but say the Word, and my Soul [servant] shall be healed.” Matthew 8: 5-13.
As a Trekkie, I recall a line of dialogue from The Paradise Syndrome episode of the original Star Trek series (TOS), “Behold a god who bleeds.” The line is intended to disclaim that Cpt Kirk (Kirok) is a god. Gods do not bleed, right? Who could imagine that the Son of God/Son of Man gives us His Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist as a living Memorial of His Passion, Resurrection and Holy Sacrifice; His victory for us, food for the journey, and a navigation aid to the Kingdom of Heaven. The greatest and most amazing and unexpected truth ever revealed. I continue to maintain that the Eucharist should be proclaimed as the sui generis dogma of Catholicism. I recently learned that the Incarnation of Christ in the Eucharist is proclaimed in every recitation of The Our Father. The words “Give us this day our daily bread”, refer to “supersubstantial bread”, not ordinary accidents from flour and water, but the Consecrated “Bread” of the Eucharist. “Bread” from heaven more powerful than the Manna that our ancestors ate in the desert. Sometimes I wish we could receive the “Supersubstantial Bread” at every meal.
For more information about Eucharistic Adoration, I refer you to a presentation by Josh Perry found at this link.
Bishop Robert Barron’s sermon on The Lord’s Prayer from the Gospel of Luke can be enjoyed at this link.
Ps. I am sure you are aware that Prop5/Article 22, Personal Reproductive Liberty Amendment was overwhelmingly supported by Vermont voters.
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Do not be discouraged. Take heart, for God can and does make good come from every human error. The interpretation of this vaguely worded amendment will now be in the hands of the Vermont Supreme Court. Continue to pray that judges and pregnant women will choose life. At any time, you can spiritually adopt an unborn child in danger. |
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Jesus is Lord, Messiah, and Savior! |
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I am making an impromptu video series for the National Eucharistic revival! Please check out the first installment.
In Christ with Mary,
Fr Timothy Naples |
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Donation to Ronald McDonald House Children’s Charities
Will the Council vote to authorize a donation of $500 in support of Ronald Mc Donald House Children’s Charities 20 DEC Bingo. This request is from IPSD, PGK Steve Shover. |
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The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM 13 October 2022 at 6:30 PM. Meeting was called to order by Grand Knight Mike Bullock. Minutes were sent to all members for approval. The last Officer Meeting was held in person and on ZOOM on 3 November at 6:30 PM. Voluntary donations reduced the cost of pizza prior to both Meetings.
The Website Development Team continues to work to make our website more user friendly.
Our next business meeting is 10 November at 6:30 PM in person and on ZOOM. New going forward, our opening prayer will be Vespers. A home cooked meal will be served prior to the meeting for a good will donation. Ray Michaud, Rick Labrecque and Jay Benson are your chefs. If this works out we may continue this practice into the future. Will you volunteer to cook a meal?
This wonderful series can be found at this link:
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Council Bank Balance: $7989.36 As_of: 11/02/2022 12:00 PM
Memo |
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Financial Secretary Report |
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Morgan Stanley balance: $349,522.61
As_of: 11/09/2022, 11:42 AM
Note: we have completed all of our payments to the K of C Catholic Ministries Donor-Advised Fund in accordance with our pledge of 20% ($100k) of our net worth at the request of Bishop Coyne. |
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Our fifteenth consecutive First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place on 4 November from 3 - 4 PM. There were seven Brothers and three parishioners present. Next Holy Hour will be 2 December at 3 PM at SJV. Please join us in worship of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the scripture Holy Rosary. |
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Breaking News! You can now play pickleball at Robinson School in Starksboro every Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 PM thanks to Ted and Kathy Barrett. I have experienced the humiliation of being a novice, but this game is easy to learn and to play. St John Vianney pickleball is also available by appointment by calling Ray Michaud at 233-0145. |
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Here is the schedule of events that require a Color Guard. Let us know if you can make any of these opportunities.
3 DEC 22 @ 1 PM Exemplification of the 4th Degree at St John Vianney Parish hosted by Council 7525.
Registration 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Exemplification Ceremony 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Photo Opportunity 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Confessions: 3:00 PM to 4 PM
Mass 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
5:30 PM Dinner/Banquet
Interested candidates must submit a completed Form 4 and already be a Third Degree Knight. If you are a Third Degree I strongly urge you to attend this exemplification. If you wish to be a 4th Degree, but you are not yet a Third Degree, let us know- there is time to conduct an exemplification to the 3rd Degree prior to this event.
We are looking for Sir Knights to join the Color Corps. The assembly will help you acquire the required Regalia. |
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There are many opportunities to serve! You can pray, especially during scheduled Holy Hours and the Day of Prayer for Clergy on NOV 12. You can help collect for people with special needs. You can help to paint and repair the Christmas Creche. We have to plan and conduct the Christmas Party for People with Special Needs on DEC 10. We need to plan our own council Christmas party on DEC 11. We need to put up the Keep Christ in Christmas reminders. You can cook, set-up or clean-up at a pancake breakfast at St Jude on DEC 11 (after the 9:30 AM Mass). If none of these interest you, ask us how you can help-we have more ideas. |
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Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team by calling 802-662-5249 or via email:
AspireNow is also looking for help. Call them at(802) 658-8046 or visit their home page at |
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10 NOV 1830 Council Business Meeting at SJV or on Zoom (we are trying something new for the meal before the business meeting-home cooked food! Ray Michaud, Dick Labrecque and Jay Benson will be the first providers)
11 NOV FRI 1700-2000. Wake for Bob Fiorenza at St Anthony's Church.
12 NOV SAT 1000. Funeral for our departed Brother Bob Fiorenza at St Anthony's Church in Burlington, VT
12 NOV SAT 0800-2000. Statewide Day of Prayer for Clergy. Our Council time is 1400-1500 SAT at SJV. We need 6 volunteers to make this most effective.
01 DEC THU 1830 Council Officer Meeting (after Pizza) at SJV and on Zoom (
02 DEC FRI 1500-1600 Holy Hour at St John Vianney. Join us and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary
03 DEC SAT 1300 Exemplification of the Fourth Degree (Color Corp Needed) at ST John Vianney. If you are a Third Degree, this is your chance to advance. Our Council is hosting so we need to provide a greeter/usher and lunch to the participants.
08 DEC THU 1900 Council Business Meeting at SJV or on Zoom (Steve Gentile, Morgan Stanley First Vice-President to speak) Brothers, since this is a Holy Day of Obligation, we will attend Holy Mass at 6 PM followed by the meeting at 7 PM. (Note: fasting before the meeting is not a reflection of our experience with home cooked food in November)
10 DEC SAT 1300-1500 Christmas Party for People with Special Needs. We are going to need volunteers, including Santa to make an appearance. If you are cooking or helping on Sunday, you should pan to attend the evening Holy Mass at 1630.
11 DEC SUN 0800-1130 Breakfast at St Jude the Apostle Round Table Parish prepared by members of Council 7525, the Parish Council, and other volunteers.
11 DEC SUN 1800-2100 Council 7525 Christmas Party and gift exchange. We have not done this in a while. (Wrapped gift not to exceed $30 value is recommended for the exchange-this is usually a lot of fun).
20 DEC Ronald McDonald House Children's Charities Bingo |
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Annual Collection for People with Special Needs (Tootsie Roll Drive) |
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Brothers, our annual appeal on behalf of people with special needs is nearly complete. This weekend parishioners at St Catherine of Siena Round Table Parish will have an opportunity to make a difference. Worthy Warden and Round Table Coordinator Jay Benson has the lead on this final push. |
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Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie will enlighten us about the life and virtue of St. Martin De Porres (Feast Day NOV 3), and sing the song Be Not Afraid. |
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04 John Romanoski, 06 Ray Miller, 08 David Martin, 09 Ray Bouchard, 10 Andre Tetrault, 12 Roger Parent, 18 Maurice Seguin, 21 Thomas Hubbard, 24 Charles Farmer, 25 John Barton and Derek Pratte, 29 Stuart Fath. |
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11/08/2022 - Mike Bullock |
October – Joe and Rosa Pranys
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11/08/2022 - Mike Bullock |
October – Thomas O’Donovan, Jr.
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Please pray for the following people who are ill or in distress and their families;
Claire Myers and Carol Alfred (cancer),Pete and Jean Gadue (Covid), Tom Buzzell, Russell Waite, Kelly Jackson (daughter of late PGK Jeff Jackson), PFN Bill Ladd, PGK Bernie Hemond, Marilyn LeCount, Cher Racine, Dick and Sandy Stevens, Joe Donegan, Beth-Ann Prendergast, Mariette Nadeau, Jeff and Kay Jarvis, Tom Gravelin, Rick Gravelin, Chuck Schifilliti, Gerry Seney, Robert Gravelin, Keith Marston, Sue Cottrell, Gary Howe and Family, Parker Yvonne Lyon (Granddaughter of Tom Gravelin) and mom and dad Ellen and Garrett, sister Clara Lynn, Amy and her mother, (22 year old woman fighting cancer at Dana-Farber), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton, George Stevens, James Read, Richard Waite, Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, PGK Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, Bob Wilkens, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, the people of Ukraine and an end to the war, the Families of all of our faithfully departed brothers, friends and relatives, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, peace in Eastern Europe, that pregnant women will choose life, and for new Members to join the Order. |
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Please pray for all the victims who have died in the Ukraine War and for our dear departed as follows:
Robert (Bob) Fiorenza
Thomas Westropp
Gerry Malavenda
May they rest in peace. May all the faithfully departed rest in peace, Amen. And may their families be comforted by the promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven. |
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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
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