1. Call to Order: 7 PM by GK Mike Bullock (Initially, 12 Brother Knights were in attendance; 9 in person and 3 online) (Later joined online by Bob Fiorenza, and in person by Fr. Tim Naples for a total of 14)

2. Opening Prayer: Our Lord’s Prayer led by GK Mike Bullock

3. Pledge of Allegiance (USA) or Patriotic Display of Loyalty: Pledge recited by all members.

4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting: Approved by all members present.

5. Chaplain's Message: Not in attendance currently.

6. Grand Knight's Report

• Our website is up and running. This was the first time the newsletter was written and sent out from the website. It should be done that way every month now. The address is kofcvt.org. Check it out-so far only 6 members have done so.

• It is strongly suggested that all members continue to watch ”Into the Breach”.

• Memorial Day is 31 May at 1000 in Resurrection Park Cemetery. We will need a color guard.

• The Camp Ta Kum Ta Super Auction runs from 4 to 13 June. Please go online and bid for a good cause.

• The Ordination on 19 June at 1000 at St Joseph Cathedral will need a color guard also.

• Council elections are coming up. Fourth degree elections are also coming up.

• Don Sutton’s porch needs finishing. The council agreed and it will be scheduled.

• A third degree can be done on line in 30 minutes now. We need to encourage our members who haven’t made it yet to get it done. When you do let the Worthy FS know the date and submit a Form 100.

7. Financial Report

Ending Balance: $29,991.23

Investment Account Balance: $484,821.08. (This went down $5000 in 2 weeks but may go back up $5000 in the next two weeks)



8. Membership Report

• Kevin Limoge was approved by the Council for membership. He is a friend of Brother David Bullock. He is a member of St Marks and has been seen there by one of our members. He will be contacted to complete exemplification. (Need to notify Ed Nuttall when that happens)

9. Other Reports SuperBingo Committee

▪ There are over 100 items to be auctioned off.

▪ Irene doing super job helping to get this organized.

▪ Irene suggested using $200 of the money earmarked for this to buy a Weber grill to go with the barbecue items and the council agreed.

District Deputy Report: Not present.

Fourth Degree: - Elections are coming up

- will need new Faithful Navigator and Purser

- we will vote in June

- $200 has been donated to wounded warriors

- Cemetery Committee took over responsibility for the flag replacement in Resurrection Park about 10 years ago


- most important officer positions covered; others need to be verified

- trustees need to get together and resolve

State Deputy: present, but no report made.

Insurance Agent: Not present.

Scholarships: Worthy Advocate not present.

10. Unfinished Business (motions carried over from previous meetings)

▪ Audio-visual equipment (for Zoom), which was purchased by the GK, who requested reimbursement in the amount of $1141.61. It will be used for every meeting in the future. Four of our members were connected on it at this meeting. This was approved.

▪ The webmaster was looking to get reimbursed for his time and expense setting up the new website. The amount was $1570.00. After a very lengthy discussion it was passed by the council. Later, Rick Gravelin stated he would donate the



money allocated for his time in the amount of $1,000 to the 4th degree. ▪ Website ongoing maintenance costs in the amount of $1,302 ($702 software renewals and $600 for Webmaster labor) requested to be added to the annual budget. After another lengthy discussion, this item was approved by the Council.

▪ Special project (matching fund with State Council) in the amount of $1,000. Project was discussed and approved by the council.

11. New Business (new motions):

- Ken Jarvis asked for $500 for St Anne’s Shrine (to be matched by him and a few others). This was deferred until next month since Ken said it could wait and the members wanted to officially Warn the expense as prescribed by the By-Laws.

- It was suggested we take July off for the council meeting or have a picnic instead. (Worthy Warden has offered his expansive property as a possible venue for a picnic) After discussion it was approved that the July Officer meeting would be held as scheduled, but the council meeting would be conducted during a picnic.

12. Good of the Order

• Family of the Month: Ray and Sandy Michaud

• Knight of the Month: Deacon Bill Glinka

13. Lecturer’s Reflection (optional)

◦ Bro. Bernie Prendergast offered a reflection on St. Matthias and sang a rousing version of Mother Dear, O Pray for Me (Us).

14. Grand Knight’s Summary

◦ Use the website. Kofcvt.org. Report any problems.

◦ Jake Cunavelis will help establish the council on Facebook with short video clips

◦ Notify the Program Manager, Ted Barrett of any good works completed.

15. Closing Prayer (including intentions for sick or distressed members):Yvonne Shover, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.

Closing Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney offered by Council Chaplain Fr. Timothy Naples.

16. Adjournment: Declared by GK at approx. 8:36 PM.

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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
