Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16)
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,

The Month of October was busy with our District 3 Officer Installation, Bingo, and the first ever Cor Formation. We lost our beloved leader of many years, Don Sutton, who served as State Deputy, Grand Knight, and Faithful Navigator. Don admonished all of us to “give a shit” and he exemplified that attitude of unfailing service to those in need. More than the many who helped establish the Super Bingo for Camp Ta Kum Ta and our own council bingo, Don helped build the chapel at Camp Holy Cross, and when the camp closed deconstructed the chapel and re-constructed it at Camp Ta Kum Ta where it serves to this day. We have asked CTKT to consider naming the chapel in Don’s Memory. I recently viewed Bishop Robert Baron’s Sermon on All Saints Day entitled Your Life is Not About You. As he spoke, I thought about Don and the way he lived his life-loving God and loving others. Seeking to do God’s Holy Will and serving all of God’s beloved people. As Bishop Baron states so directly “Being a Saint is the ordinary goal of the Christian Life.” Leon Bloy observed “The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint.”  To be Holy is to follow the will of God. God is Love. Habitually willing the good of the other. That’s what it means to be a saint. How do we begin? Bishop Barron suggests we “start with the Beatitudes. To be happy is to be a saint.” "Love does no evil to the neighbor, hence love is the fulfillment of the law." (Romans 13:10)

At this writing I have been notified of the passing of our Brother Harold Ponto and Mike Knoras from the Springfield Council. May they rest in peace. St Therese of Lisieux revealed that “Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, or even at their difficulty, as at the love by which we do them.” Our saintliness will be judged by Our Lord, our success depends on how much love we devote to the cause of sanctity.

Vivat Jesus!     

Jesus is Lord, Messiah, and Savior!

Our esteemed Council Chaplain continues his series on the Eucharist in The Acts of the Apostles. This video demonstrates how the Ascension of Our Lord changed the way we encounter Christ. After the Ascension our encounters with Christ are sacramental. The early Church's faithful were devoted to four acts: the teaching of the Apostles, Fellowship, The Breaking of the Bread, and Prayer. Listen to Fr. Naples describe the importance of the "scripted ritual" that is the Catholic Mass. 

The Ascension and the Breaking of the Bread 




The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM at St John Vianney Church in South Burlington, VT on OCT 12, at 6:30 PM after dinner, (meatloaf, butternut squash), salad, and birthday cake provided by Ray Bouchard, Tom Gravelin, and Dave Martin. There were no warnings. The District 3 Deputy Bill LaCroix was on Zoom and provided encouragement and inspiration. Supreme has a new program building beds for the needy, we must recruit new members, and there are 6 new Into the Breach videos for viewing soon. We discussed the support needed for upcoming events. See the Minutes for additional details.   

The last Officer Meeting was held in person and on ZOOM on November 2, 2023 at SJV starting at 6:30 PM after pizza and salad. The officers discussed upcoming projects like the next bingo, Special People's Party and Council Christmas Party and Yankee Swap. Many officers decided to support the Kern Hattin Shoes for St Nicholas Program in matching gifts thanks to a challenge from Jay Benson. The Council paid $100.  


The Website Development Team continues to work to make our website more user friendly. https://kofcvt.org/


Our next business meeting is November 9th, 2023 at 6:30 PM in person and on Zoom from SJV. We will be serving dinner prepared by Ray Michaud (Goulash), Dave Bean (rolls), and Dick Labrecque (dessert). There are two WARNINGS. Opening prayer will be Vespers.  


Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239, Passcode: 297697


This wonderful series can be found at this link: https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html

Treasurers Report
Financial Secretary Report
COR Formation

Cor (Heart) Formation for men will be held every third SAT at Saint John Vianney Parish beginning at 10 AM. The second gathering will take place on November 18, 2023. The goal is to appoint an Evangelization and Faith Formation (EFF) Director in each Council that will offer COR Formation to the paster; or offer to work with and enhance any ongoing ministries for men. COR Formation is open to all men. I hope to see you there for prayer, formation, and fraternity. Vivat Jesus! For more information check out www.kofc.org/Cor


Our twenty-eighth consecutive First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place on November 3, at 3 PM at Saint John Vianney.  


Next Holy Hour will be on December 1st, 2023. 


Please join us in worship of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the scripture Holy Rosary.


Bingo is back at Saint John Vianney Hall every third Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 9 PM. Our third evening of fun will be Thursday, November 16. Bingo Cards, Pop-open tickets and refreshments will be available. The goal will be to share profits with the parish and council to support charitable works. This can only succeed with a dedicated staff of volunteers. We need help in sales, set-up, kitchen and clean-up. Doors open at 4:30 PM with first game at 6:30 PM. Volunteers should arrive at 3 PM. Make it a family affair. For every worker bee bring along a player!

Pickle Ball

Pickleball is retuning to Starksboro on Wednesdays. Please check in with Ted Barrett to see when the game will be available at (802) 458-1351. 

St John Vianney pickleball is also available by appointment by calling Ray Michaud at 233-0145.


The Assembly is looking to grow the Color Corps. If you are interested in becoming a 4th Degree Knight, or if you are already a 4th Degree Knight and wish to join the Color Corp, please contact CCC Mike Bullock at (802) 598-8179 or mtn6@gmavt.net. The Assembly is willing to help defray the cost of the Regalia. 


The next 4th Degree Exemplification is planed for April 2024 in the Rutland area. More to follow.


Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels.  For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team. 802-662-5249, https://www.agewellvt.org/

AspireNow is also looking for help. Call them at(802) 658-8046 or visit their home page at https://aspire1.org.

Unbound is looking for sponsors for children in South America. For as little as $40/month you can make the life of a poor boy or girl and their families more prosperous. UNBOUND.org

Birthright is always looking for donations of money or items needed by parents. They have a brunch on 6 OCT where we will be cooking! Email: burlingtonvt@birthright.org

More opportunities...

There are many opportunities to serve!


Your council conducts monthly Bingo at St. John Vianney Parrish Hall on the third Thursday. We are going to need you all to commit to supporting this every month. The more volunteers, the lighter the load.  


In addition to prayer we have Knights in need of visitation. Leonard and Mary Robear would love a visit at their home. They live at 4196 St George Road in Williston, VT. George Stevens (Assembly 2106) is still at the Burlington Health and Rehab, 300 Pearl St., now in Room 511. Morning visits are best.

Bob Wilkens is at The Residence at Quarry Hill. 465 Quarry Hill Road, South Burlington, VT 05403. The view from Bob's corner studio room 302 is great! Oh and his phone number is 802-497-2275. Best time to visit is 9:30-10:30 AM or 3-4:30 PM. Bev Newman, Ray's widow, is at Harbor Village, Room 306.


Note: if you would like a visitation, please call us!


Check the Save the Date section for other events. 

If none of these interest you, ask us how you can help-we have more ideas. We want to hear your ideas too on how to pay forward our many blessings. 



THU NOV 09 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after home-cooked meal) at SJV or on Zoom

(https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84647582239?pwd=bHF1Y3lsM0I5eFVIbHhONmR4eTMzUT09) (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697) 

THU NOV 16 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 4:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 1500 for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales) 

SAT NOV 18 at 10 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish 


FRI December 01 at 3 PM First Friday Holy Hour at SJV. Come at 2:50 PM and lead a decade of the Rosary. 

THU DEC 07 at 6:30 PM Council Officer Meeting (After pizza) at SJV or on Zoom

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84053360051?pwd=VUoveHR3WktLVGplbk1MRkU1QVJqQT09 (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347)

SAT DEC 9 at 1 PM Annual Special People’s Christmas Party at St John Vianney Church 

SUN DEC 10 at 6 PM Annual Council 7525 Christmas Party and Yankee Gift Swap at SJV 

THU DEC 14 at 6:30 PM Council Business Meeting (after home-cooked meal) at SJV or on Zoom

(https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84647582239?pwd=bHF1Y3lsM0I5eFVIbHhONmR4eTMzUT09) (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)

SAT DEC 16 at 10 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish 

THU DEC 21 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 4:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 1500 for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales)


Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie Prendergast will share with us highlights of the life and virtue of St. Albert The Great (NOV 15) and sing the song Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep.


04 John Romanoski

06 Ray Miller

08 David Martin

09 Ray Bouchard

10 Andre Tetrault

12 Roger Parent

18 Maurice Seguin

21 Thomas Hubbard

24 Charles Farmer

25 John Barton

25 Derek Pratte

29 Stuart Fath

Family of the Month
11/08/2023 - Mike Bullock
October – Thomas and Lorrie O’Donovan
Knight of the Month
11/08/2023 - Mike Bullock
October – Bernie Prendergast

Please keep the following persons/families/intentions in your prayers.


Leonard and Mary Robear, Chris Johnson, Arlene Michaud (Ray’s sister), Chelsey Giuliani (wife of Worthy Field Agent David Giuliani), Gail Couillard, Mary Griswold, Charles Brown’s mother-in-law, Marilyn LaCount, Friend of David Gravelin, Anthony Naples, Andre Ricard (Assembly 1157 Newport), Zak Bigelow, Pope Francis, Mrs. Jackie Crosby, An Anonymous Member in distress, Niko Limnos and Family, Mother-in-law of Ronnie Sweet, Bill Curtin, William Cannon and Family, Michael Gravelin, Mark and Paulette Noyes and Family (esp. Levi age 6), John O’ Brien, Cheryl Allain, Andy Corologos, Claire Myers and Carol Alfred (cancer),  Kelly Jackson (daughter of late PGK Jeff Jackson), PFN Bill Ladd, PGK Bernie Hemond, Cher Racine, Dick and Sandy Stevens, Beth-Ann Prendergast, Mariette Nadeau, Jeff and Kay Jarvis, Tom Gravelin, Rick Gravelin, Chuck Schifilliti, Gerry Seney, Robert Gravelin, Keith Marston, Sue Cottrell, (23 year old woman fighting cancer at Dana-Farber), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton, George Stevens, James Read, Richard Waite, Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family,  PGK Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, Wally Rooney, Bob Wilkens, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, one anonymous brother knight, the people of Ukraine and an end to the war, the Families of all of our faithfully departed brothers, friends and relatives, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, peace in Eastern Europe, that pregnant women will choose life, and for new Members to join the Order.


For all who have died, especially PSD, PGK, PFN Don Sutton, Harold Ponto and PGK Mike Knoras (Springfield Council). May they rest in peace. May all the faithfully departed rest in peace and may their families be comforted by the promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint John Vianney Council 7525

160A Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403


Copyright 2023
