Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16)
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,

This month I would like to share with you comments attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen regarding divine mercy, and Dismas, the thief crucified with Jesus. It is said Dismas was on Jesus’ right, while “the impenitent thief, Gestas, was on Our Lord’s left”.  

“A dying man asked a dying man for eternal life, a man without possessions asked a poor man for a Kingdom…If Our Lord had come merely as a teacher, the thief would never have asked for forgiveness…It was the thief’s last prayer, perhaps even his first. He knocked once, sought once, asked once, dared everything and found everything. When even the disciples were doubting and only one was present at the Cross, the thief owned and acknowledge Him as Savior.”                    From The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen

I shudder to think of the awesome responsibility we have as believers to share the Good News of the Gospel that we have heard. Dismas must have been told about Jesus. Or he overheard others speak of Him and His mighty deeds and His offer of love and forgiveness. Dismas listened and acted on what he heard and believed was true. We cannot make someone listen, or believe, but do we not have an obligation to speak? Did Gestas perish because he choose not to listen or belief, or did he perish because “no one told him about the Christ.” 

Vivat Jesus!

Jesus is Lord, Messiah, and Savior!

The last Business Meeting was held on August 8 after pizza. Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Dave Martin chaired the meeting in the absence of GK. There were 13 members present, including 4 on Zoom. Minutes of the July 11 Business Meeting were approved. Our annual budget in the amount of $17,500 was approved. Members were sent a copy of the minutes.  

The last Officer Meeting was held on September 5 at 6:30 PM after pizza and salad. A total of 9 officers attended, including two on Zoom. We discussed the repairs to the OLMC Church sign, the freshening of the Camp Ta Kum Ta Chapel and the donation of $300 made by the family of the late SK Bill Ladd.

It was decided to seek additional information about the CTKT Chapel re-staining. (Tom Gravelin later agreed to research this). Three options to honor SK Bill Ladd were discussed; 1. Donate the funds towards the cost of staining the Chapel, 2. Donate the funds to cover a game at the Next Super Bingo, and 3. Donate some of the funds towards the cost of increasing the size of the Photo plaque of past Faithful Navigators that hangs near our office. Worthy Warden Jay Benson is working on the plaque. Lastly we talked about the fish-fryer procurement.

The next Business Meeting will be Thursday, SEP 12 at 6:30 PM after Chicken Curry Dinner available at the SJV Hall. The dinner is prepared by Fr. Paul Sahaya as a fundraiser for St Paul’s Seminary in India. At the meeting we will discuss the options for SK Bill Ladd's family donation, our Officer Installation on OCT 3, and our Exemplification on OCT 10. We will also talk about up-coming events like the Right-to-Life Dinner and the Day of Prayer for Clergy in November. 

Treasurers Report

Council Bank Balance: $17,853.32 as of 08/31/2024

Financial Secretary Report
COR Formation

Cor (Heart) Formation for men is held every third SAT at Saint John Vianney Parish beginning at 10 AM. Our twelfth gathering will take place on September 21, 2024. COR Formation is open to all men. I hope to see you there for prayer, formation, and fraternity. Vivat Jesus! For more information check out


Our thirty-eighth consecutive First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place on September 6, at 3 PM at Saint John Vianney. 

We prayed the Glorious Scripture Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The Next Holy Hour will be on October 4, 2024. 


Planned for every third Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 9 PM, unexpected events can dictate an alternate date. The next Bingo is September 19. The Bingo provides funds for the Council, Assembly and parish. The Bingo is paying off the council loan used to pay for the bingo equipment and start-up supplies. This can only succeed with a dedicated staff of volunteers. Your help is vital. Having a deep bench will ensure our success. We need help in sales, set-up, kitchen and clean-up. Doors open at 5:30 PM with first game at 6:30 PM. Volunteers should arrive by 4:30 PM. Bring can goods for free game sheets. Make it a family affair. Every worker bee bring along a player!

Pickle Ball

Pickleball is scheduled in Starksboro on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 PM and St Jude on Fridays from 1-3 PM. Contact Ted Barrett or Tammi Walker. You can email Ted at or Tammi at 

St John Vianney pickleball is also available by appointment by calling Ray Michaud at 233-0145.


Worthy Faithful Navigator Mike Audette plans to open an Assembly meeting after this month's Council Business Meeting to discuss a budget, Ad in the Vermont Catholic and the next Exemplification of the 4th Degree in Derby Line, VT scheduled for SEP 21st. 


There is always a way to make a contribution. Last month three Knights, Joe Pranys, Fr. Naples and Jay Benson donated grills even though they could not make it to the St Jude Family BBQ on August 24th. They are our Knights of the Month!

Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels.  For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team. 802-662-5249,

AspireNow is also looking for help. Call them at(802) 658-8046 or visit their home page at

Unbound is looking for sponsors for children in South America. For as little as $40/month you can make the life of a poor boy or girl and their families more prosperous.

Birthright is always looking for donations of money or items needed by parents. They have a brunch on 6 OCT where we will be cooking! Email:

More opportunities...

There are many other opportunities to serve!

Your council conducts monthly Bingo at St. John Vianney Parrish Hall on the third Thursdays. We are going to need you all to commit to supporting this every month. The more volunteers, the lighter the load.  

In addition to prayer we have Knights in need of visitation. Leonard Robear is now a widower living alone. His nephew told me at Mary's wake that a visiting nurse would be checking on him.

SK George Stevens is still at the Burlington Health and Rehab, 300 Pearl St., Room 511. Morning visits are best.

Note: if you would like a visitation, please call us!

Check the Save the Date section for other events. 

If none of these interest you, ask us how you can help-we have more ideas. We want to hear your ideas too on how to pay forward our many blessings. 



THU SEP 12 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after Chicken Curry Dinner) at SJV or on Zoom (GK will be excused)( (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697) 

THU SEP 19 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 5:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 4:30 PM for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales) 

SAT SEP 21 at 10-11:30 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish 

SAT SEP 21 at 11:30 AM to 8 PM Exemplification of the 4th Degree at Derby Line, VT

SAT SEP 21 at 5:30 to 9 PM Chittenden County Right to Life Dinner at SJV 


THU OCT 03 at 6:30 PM Council Officer Meeting (After Officer Installation and pizza) at SJV or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347) 

FRI OCT 04 at 3 PM Holy Hour at SJV. Come early and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary. 

THU OCT 10 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after dinner) at SJV or on Zoom (GK will be excused)

( (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)

THU OCT 17 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 5:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 4:30 PM for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales) 

SAT OCT 19 at 10-11:30 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish 


FRI NOV 01 at 3 PM Holy Hour at SJV. Come early and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary. 

THU NOV 07 at 6:30 PM Council Officer Meeting (After pizza) at SJV or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347) 

SAT NOV 9 10-11 AM Annual Statewide Day of Prayer for Clergy and Vocations at SJV (Event runs from 8 AM to 8 PM) 

THU NOV14 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after dinner) at SJV or on Zoom (Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity)

( (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697) 

SAT NOV 16 at 10-11:30 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish 

THU NOV 21 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 5:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 4:30 PM for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales)


Our Worthy Lecturer Bernie Prendergast will share with us details about the life and virtue of St Robert Bellarmine (SEP 17), and sing the song Our Lady of Fatima.


05 Bernie Prendergast

12 Robert Mount

12 Gerald Seney, Jr.

15 Dcn John Magnier

17 James Stevens

20 Dinh Dang

20 Edward Schirmer

21 Patrick Mahoney

22 David Lavallee

24 Rev Timothy Naples




Family of the Month
09/10/2024 - Mike Bullock
August – Bill and Michelle Bessette
Knights of the Month
09/10/2024 - Mike Bullock
August – Jay Benson
09/10/2024 - Mike Bullock
August – Joe Pranys
09/10/2024 - Mike Bullock
August – Fr. Tim Naples

Some of you have been very busy recruiting new members. For that reason we will conduct an Exemplification of Charity, Fraternity, and Unity, during our OCT 10 Business Meeting. We plan to do some recruiting this weekend at St Jude and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Ask us how you can help.

Please remember the following persons/families/friends/intentions in your prayers.

Jacobi Reoulet, Great-Grandson of Mike Audette, PGK Louis Lauzon of St Marks, Nathan Cookson, Kenneth Limoge, SK Joe Groleau (in hospital), a friend of Fr. Naple's whose daughter was recently diagnosed with leukemia, Mike and Pam Audette, Bishop John McDermott, Timothy O'Neill, Fr. Jeremias Tigga, Ben Fine (son-in-law of Ray Michaud), PGK Ray Miller,  General success of Catholic Radio, Mason and Elizabeth Bullock, Richard Labrecque, Leonard Robear, Chris Johnson, Arlene Michaud (Ray's sister), Gail Couillard, Marilyn LaCount, Friend of David Gravelin, Anthony Naples, Andre Ricard (Assembly 1157 Newport), Zak Bigelow and family, Pope Francis, Mrs. Jackie Crosby, An anonymous member in distress, Niko Limnos and Family, Mother-in-law of Ronnie Sweet, William Cannon and Family, Michael Gravelin, Mark and Paulette Noyes and Family (esp. Levi age 7), John O' Brien, Cheryl Allain, Claire Myers, Kelly Jackson (daughter of late PGK Jeff Jackson), PGK Bernie Hemond, Dick and Sandy Stevens, Beth-Ann Prendergast, Mariette Nadeau, Jeff and Kay Jarvis, Tom Gravelin, Chuck Schifilliti, Gerry Seney, Robert Gravelin, Keith Marston, Sue Cottrell, (23 year old woman fighting cancer), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton, George Stevens (Assembly 2106), James Read, Gene Tofferi,  Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Stuart Fath, Wally Rooney, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, one anonymous brother knight, the people of Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and an end to the wars. All clergy and religious. All victims and families of COVID-19 and flooding. First Responders, police, and firefighters. For a just solution in the Middle East, that pregnant women will choose life and for new members to join the Order. 


For all the faithfully departed and their grieving families, especially Toni Hill, a devoted parishioner and Lector at St John Vianney, Beverly Newman, devoted wife of the late SK Ray Newman, Mary Robear, beloved wife of SK Leonard Robear, SK Richard Gamache, Council 297, and SK Norbert Vogl, SK Assembly 1148. May they rest in peace and may all the families of the deceased be comforted by the promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

We remember....

Saint John Vianney Council 7525

160A Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403

Copyright 2024
