Grand Knight, Michael Bullock |
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16) |
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights, |
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This month I would like us all to remember the indispensable priesthood; those who administer the sacraments, represent Christ and guide us to Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Without our Priests there could be no ongoing miracle of redemption and reconciliation. We owe them, and God, a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. Take the time and make the effort to get to know your parish priest, befriend him, offer to help him in his ministry and never shy away from spending time with him in conversation. Offer to treat him to a meal. Go to Reconciliation and Mass often. Please read, contemplate and meditate on the Homily on the Priesthood by St John Vianney posted by our Chaplain Rev. Father Tim Naples in the Chaplains Blog below. For more homilies on the priesthood visit his blog, Ubi Petrus online.
Finally, I invite you to save the date: SEP 24 for Chris Stefanick REBOOT. “Find out how to live life to the full as God intended”. More info forthcoming. |
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Jesus is Lord, Messiah, and Savior! |
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Selection of Delegates and Alternates to the 127th Vermont State Convention |
Will the Council vote to approve of the following nominees for Delegate and Alternate to the 127th Vermont State Convention;
Delegate: GK Mike Bullock Alternate: PGK Tom Gravelin
Delegate: FN Mike Audette Alternate: PFN Jay Benson
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Council support to the St John Vianney Youth Trip to Peru |
Will the Council vote to make a one-time donation of $500 in support of the Peru Youth Trip to be used at the discretion of Chaplain Fr. Tim Naples?
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Knight and Family of the Month Charitable Donations |
Will the Council re-instate the tradition of making a donation of $100 to a charity chosen by the Knight and Family of the Month? If approved, to be applied in 2025 and going forward.
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The last Business Meeting was held on JAN 9, 2025 at 6:30 PM in person and on Zoom from St John Vianney Church basement. Seventeen members attended, including six on Zoom. Before the meeting members present enjoyed bowtie pasta with sausage, bread and butter accompanied by salad from Dave Martin and dessert by Mike Bullock. Members were reminded to get their dues and Form 1728’s in ASAP. A small group was planning a 97th birthday visit to Leonard Robear in Burlington. There were no warnings. Jay Benson offered to cook scalloped potatoes, ham and Caesar salad for the FEB meeting with Steve Shover volunteering to bring dessert. Ted Barrett asked the members to consider re-instating an old tradition where the Council paid $100 to a charity of choice by the monthly Knight and Family of the Month winners. This is not in the budget and will be warned in the future. December Knight was Mike Audette and Family was the Barrett’s.
The last Officer Meeting was held on Zoom only due to adverse weather on FEB 6th at 6:30 PM. There were 13 of us online. It was a long, but productive meeting. We passed motions to Warn the return of $100 charitable donations on behalf of Knight and Family of the Month. January Family is Charles and Karen Brown for their work for St Marks, including the bowling alley and Coats for Kids. Knight is Jim Girouard Jr. for his work on the Alpha Team at SJV. We will Warn the nominees for Delegate and Alternate for the State Convention in May. We have decided to move the balance of Comcast Expenses into the $500 Relief Fund mandated by our By-Laws but overlooked in the last budget. Steve Shover suggested we go big on the next and future Council Christmas parties, with catering and decorations and invitations to members, Widows, and patrons going forward. We will request the Sacred Hearst Icon during Lent subject to Ft Naples Preference. Dave Martin will inquire about a donation the council could make to support the Peru Youth Trip, and we will Warn for next week. Mike Audette volunteered to be the POC for our Scholarship Programs in consideration of the vacant Advocate position. The trustees will meet Friday, FEB 7 at 4 PM to work on the Council Audit. Jay Benson will be the lead at the 125th Annual Exemplification of the 4th Degree at St John Vianney on June 14, 2025. Dave Martin reported that RTL would have their annual dinner on 20 or 29 SEP this year. Ray Michaud will invite DCN Gonzales to our next meeting to complete his membership in our council.
The next Business Meeting will be Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 PM. Come early and enjoy the scalloped potatoes and ham provided by Jay Benson, with dessert by Steve Shover. We will have several Warnings including support to the Peru Youth Trip, Knight and Family of the Month Donations $100/each, and voting on Delegates and Alternates to the State Convention 2-4 May 2025. |
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Council Checking Account Balance
$15,089.39 as of 1/31/25
Super Bingo Balance $6,408.27 as of 2/5/25 |
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Financial Secretary Report |
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Cor (Heart) Formation for men is held every third SAT at Saint John Vianney Parish beginning at 10 AM. Our sixteenth gathering will take place on February 15, 2025. Note: our JAN Cor was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. COR Formation is open to all men. I hope to see you there for prayer, formation, and fraternity. Vivat Jesus! For more information check out |
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Our forty-third consecutive First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place on February 7, 2025 at 3 PM at Saint John Vianney.
We prayed the Mysteries of Light with Scripture of the Holy Rosary.
The Next Holy Hour will be on March 7, 2025. |
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Planned for every third Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 9 PM, unexpected events can dictate an alternate date. The next Bingo is February 20, 2025. The Bingo provides funds for the Council, Assembly and parish. The Bingo is paying off the council loan used to pay for the bingo equipment and start-up supplies. This can only succeed with a dedicated staff of volunteers. Your help is vital. Having a deep bench will ensure our success. We need help in sales, set-up, kitchen and clean-up. Doors open at 5:30 PM with first game at 6:30 PM. Volunteers should arrive by 4:30 PM. Bring can goods for free game sheets. Make it a family affair. Every worker bee bring along a player! |
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Pickleball is scheduled in Starksboro on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 PM and St Jude on Fridays from 1-3 PM. Contact Ted Barrett or Tammi Walker. You can email Ted at or Tammi at
St John Vianney pickleball is also available by appointment by calling Ray Michaud at 233-0145. |
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Upcoming Color Corps events include the following:
Upcoming Events for Honor Guard:
SUN FEB 16 at 10 AM World Marriage Day Holy Cross Church in Colchester
TUE APR 15 at 10 AM Chrism Mass at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Burlington
SUN APR 27 at 1100- Maple Parade at St Albans, VT marching with the AspireNow Ultrasound Van
FRI-SUN May 2-4 Vermont Knights of Columbus State Convention at Killington
SAT MAY 31 Ordination of Deacon Luan Tran ST Joseph Cathedral
SAT JUN 14 125th Anniversary of Fourth Degree Exemplification St. John Vianney
SAT JUN TBA Dairy Parade in Enosburg, VT marching with AspireNow Ultrasound Van |
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There is always a way to make a contribution. Last month the Special People's Party was a great opportunity to pay your blessings forward. |
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Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team. 802-662-5249,
AspireNow is also looking for help. Call them at(802) 658-8046 or visit their home page at
Unbound is looking for sponsors for children in South America. For as little as $40/month you can make the life of a poor boy or girl and their families more prosperous.
Birthright is always looking for donations of money or items needed by parents. They have a brunch on 6 OCT where we will be cooking! Email: |
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There are many other opportunities to pray and serve!
In addition to monthly Bingo on third Thursdays, we have monthly Holy Hour on First Fridays, and Cor Formation on third Saturdays.
Our Biggest Annual Event, The Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer is coming up fast on Sunday, March 30 at the Fairgrounds in Essex Junction, VT. We need a lot of help to maximize the funds available to these special needy kids. The Superbingo Planning Committee begins with their first meeting on Monday, JN 16 at 6 PM at Zachary's Pizza on Williston Road in South Burlington, VT.
In addition to prayer we have Knights in need of visitation. Leonard Robear is now a widower living at Burlington Health and Rehab where George Stevens is also a resident. Last time Leonard was in Room 408. George is in room 511. The best time to visit is afternoons.
Note: if you would like a visitation, please call us!
Check the Save the Date section for other events.
If none of these interest you, ask us how you can help-we have more ideas. We want to hear your ideas too on how to pay forward our many blessings. |
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THU FEB 06 at 4 PM Council Trustees Audit Accounts at SJV.
THU FEB 06 at 6:30 PM Council Officer Meeting (After pizza) at SJV or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347)
FRI FEB 07 at 3 PM Holy Hour at SJV. Come early and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary.
THU FEB 13 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after dinner) at SJV or on Zoom (Exemplification of Chairty, Unity, and Fraternity) ( (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)
SAT FEB 15 Council Semi-annual Audit due to Supreme.
SAT FEB 15 at 10-11:30 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish
THU FEB 20 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 5:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 4:30 PM for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales)
March 2025
THU MAR 06 at 6:30 PM Council Officer Meeting (After pizza) at SJV or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347)
FRI MAR 07 at 3 PM Holy Hour at SJV. Come early and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary.
THU MAR 13 at 6 :30 PM Council Business Meeting (after dinner) at SJV or on Zoom ( (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)
SAT MAR 15 at 10-11:30 AM COR Formation for Men at St John Vianney Parish
THU MAR 20 at 6:30 PM SJV Bingo! Doors open at 5:30 PM. Light snacks and beverages available. Chance to win $1,000. (Volunteers should arrive at 4:30 PM for set-up, food court, or pop-open ticket sales)
SAT MAR 22 Annual Catholic Men’s Conference Our lady of the Angels, Randolph, VT
SUN MAR 30 10 AM to 6 PM 39th Annual K of C Charity Bingo for Kids with Cancer at the Essex Fairgrounds Blue Ribbon Pavilion. Help needed-let Brad Chenette know if you can be there.
WED SEP 24 7-9 PM Chris Stefanick REBOOT at St Francis Xavier Church in Winooski (Find out how to live life to the full as God intended) Real Life Catholic |
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Some of you have been very busy recruiting new members. Keep it up. Please welcome our new members when you see them and invite them to a meeting or event. Remind them to pursue the Knight in Shining Armor Award. Our newest members are Dcn Luis Gonzalo, Mike Pasqual, and Jim Clark. Going forward, let us be mindful of using CARE to recruit and retain new members. This can be done anytime you meet a Catholic Gentleman. |
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Our Worthy Lecturer Bernie Prendergast will speak about St Jean Baptist De La Salle (April 7) and Now Thank We All Our God.
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04 James Sharpe
05 John Dwyer
10 Ali Nasab
16 Dcn Bill Glinka
18 Simeon Ananou
18 Dennis Labbee
20 Mike Audette
21 Patrick Gallivan
23 Jim Rainville
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Please remember the following persons/families/friends/intentions in your prayers. |
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Bruce O’Neill, Pope Francis, John (Jack) Romanoski, Lois Fontaine, all victims in New Orleans, Barbara Chenette (mother of Brad Chenette), Fr. Naples, Tom F., Candice Bullock (wife of GK), Wyatt Jean (grandson of GK), Marlene and Barbara O’Connor (recently widowed friends of Charles and Karen Brown, SK Ali Nasab, Jacobi Roulette, 11 Mo old Great-Grandson of Mike Audette, PGK Louis Lauzon of St Marks, Nathan Cookson, Kenneth Limoge, SK Joe Groleau (in hospital), a friend of Fr. Naple's whose daughter was recently diagnosed with leukemia, Mike and Pam Audette, Bishop John McDermott, Timothy O'Neill, Fr. Jeremias Tigga, Ben Fine (son-in-law of Ray Michaud), PGK Ray Miller, General success of Catholic Radio, Mason and Elizabeth Bullock, Richard Labrecque, Leonard Robear, Chris Johnson, Arlene Michaud (Ray's sister), Gail Couillard, Marilyn LaCount, Friend of David Gravelin, Anthony Naples, Andre Ricard (Assembly 1157 Newport), Zak Bigelow and family, Mrs. Jackie Crosby, An anonymous member in distress, Niko Limnos and Family, Mother-in-law of Ronnie Sweet, William Cannon and Family, Michael Gravelin, Mark and Paulette Noyes and Family (esp. Levi age 7), John O' Brien, Cheryl Allain, Claire Myers, Kelly Jackson (daughter of late PGK Jeff Jackson), PGK Bernie Hemond, Dick and Sandy Stevens, Beth-Ann Prendergast, Mariette Nadeau, Jeff and Kay Jarvis, Tom Gravelin, Chuck Schifilliti, Gerry Seney, Robert Gravelin, Keith Marston, Sue Cottrell, (23 year old woman fighting cancer), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton, George Stevens (Assembly 2106), James Read, Gene Tofferi, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Stuart Fath, Wally Rooney, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, one anonymous brother knight, the people of Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and an end to the wars. All clergy and religious. All victims and families of COVID-19, hurricanes (especially Helene and Milton) and flooding. First Responders, police, and firefighters. For a just solution in the Middle East, that pregnant women will choose life and for new members to join the Order. |
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For all the faithfully departed and their grieving families, especially George Dodson (father of Rev Dodson), Edward Zuccaro (father of Rev James Zuccaro), and Richard Howrigan (Council 297). May they rest in peace and may their families and all the families of the deceased be comforted by the promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven. |
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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
160A Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, VT 05403
Copyright 2025 |
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