Saint John Vianney Council 7525
Council Agenda 10 June 2021

1.  Call to Order

2. Opening Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting (Sent electronically to each member’s email for review)

5. Chaplain’s Message (if present)

6. Grand Knight's Report

(Ted is recorder ILO Ray who is traveling)

See the Minutes and the Newsletter. (Newsletter done on Website)

Need to document our activities for the year to close out 2020-2021 Ted is Working

(Please continue to support Knightcast, Into the Breach series)

Website is up and running. Check it out and report any issues you find to make it better. Feedback on Newsletters and Minutes only 47 out of 127 open the email.

Super auction 4-13 JUN 2021

Ordination 19 JUN at ST Joseph Cathedral at 1000 (Honor Guard)

Many of you are still 1st or 2nd Degree Knights. Please go to and select the On-Demand Exemplification. In half an hour you will be a third-degree Knight. (Let the GK and FS know)

7. Financial Report

8. Membership Report

9. Other Reports

State Deputy (When Present)

District Deputy (When Present)

Insurance Agent (When Present)

a. Super Auction

b. Assembly Report

c. Trustees Report (Election Roster)

d. Program Director

(The following reports are made as needed: Directors; Program, Faith, Family, Community, Life. Committees; Health, PR, Recruitment, Retention, Vocations, Insurance. Special; CTKT Super Bingo, Assembly 2106)

10. Unfinished Business (Includes motions carried over from previous meetings)


1.       $500 matching gift for St Anne’s Shrine (Ken Jarvis)

2.       $250 (up to) for food costs for July Meeting BBQ and Potluck (Worthy Warden Jay Benson)

3.       Election of Officers for 2021-2022 Fraternal Year

4.       By-Law amendments.

Other Business

5.       Insurance on Council Office contents?

6.       Anchor Award Dinner Planning (dates 28 AUG or 25 SEP @ Delta Conference Center)

7.       Shirt purchase Orders to Jay for local procurement ($25 plus $5 for name)

8.       Welcome back breakfasts at Council Churches Post-COVID-19

9.       June 25 St Jude BBQ support (Need grills and people to cook hotdogs and burgers)

10.   July BBQ and Potluck need to plan and get the word out. (Rain date?)

11.   August 4 SJV Picnic Tents (Need to Warn?), volunteer on the website

12.   Don Sutton’s Porch repair, Part II?

11. New Business (new motions)

Worthy Financial Secretary presents any bills not previously approved for payment. WFS states Morgan Stanley value. 


New motions may be entertained, discussed and voted upon, if any.

12. Good of the Order

Knight of the Month Award: May 2021

PGK/Worthy Trustee/CTKT Chair Tom Gravelin

·       Family of the Month Award: MAY 2021


Other awards?   N/A

13. Lecturer's Reflection

St Barnabas and song: Let There Be Peace On Earth

14. Grand Knight's Summary
15. Closing Prayer

Does any brother know of an additional member of this council, or brother of the Order, who is sick or in distress besides the following?

Richard Gravelin, Gene Tofferi, Yvonne Shover, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.


Prayer for Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney

God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

16. Adjournment