Grand Knight, Michael Bullock |
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16) |
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,
Glorified is God!
The lectionary has recently referenced Jesus as the "bread that came down from heaven." The Lord Himself told us he would give us Himself to eat and drink. The Old testament is full of evidence that God has the power to feed us and to make food appear when needed; (Quail and Manna in the desert, hearth cakes under a Broom Tree), to multiply shortage into abundance (Elisha feeding hundreds with 20 barley loaves). Jesus feeds thousands by multiplying 5 loaves and two fish. Can there be any doubt that he can make His one body multiply to feed all of the believers? That He can do this at every Mass, every day all over the world? Like a "grain of wheat" Jesus died and went into the "ground" in order to become the "bread that came down from Heaven." Without His sacrificial death and resurrection can there be a Eucharistic thanksgiving meal for all to share? My favorite part of the Mass is when the celebrant raises the Host up high (like Christ on the Cross) and exhorts us to "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world; blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb"! Indeed, at every Mass, Christ draws all of us to Himself, to become like Him through the Blessed Sacrament.
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The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM June 10th after a dinner from Marco's Pizza. In July the Council met for a family BBQ at the home of Jay and Alice Benson in Shelburne, VT. The evening began with grace led by our Chaplain, Fr. Tim Naples. There was a presentation of the Council Knight of the Year (Ray Michaud) and Family of the Year (Ted and Kathy Barrett). The event was well attended and fellowship was shared in the breaking of the bread. We intend to make this a perpetual celebration each year.
At the Officer Meeting on August 5th it was reported that the checking account balance was $24,571.33.
The WFS reported the Morgan Stanley investment account balance as of July 31st was $502,657.05. The semi-annual Audit is complete and our accounts are reconciled. We are still on track to fund our last two pre-investment budget years. The Budget Committee will meet soon to work out the details.
The By-laws are ready for council vote at the August Business Meeting. See Warnings.
Worthy Warden, Jay Benson, has started mounting the posters, and has looked at both of the display sites at St Jude and OLMC.
Our next Super Bingo is scheduled for April 24th, 2022. Safe the date! We will need a lot of volunteers to make this fundraiser a success post-COVID. Help will be needed to plan this event, too. Stay tuned for the date/time when the Super Bingo Committee will begin meeting again.
Our next meeting is 12 August at 7 PM. This is an important meeting and we will need a quorum to conduct business. I urge you to attend in person, or on Zoom, to lend your voice and vote. Our guests will include the Worthy State Deputy and the State Membership Director. We will break bread at 6 PM.
Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239
Passcode: 297697
The Anchor Award is September 3rd, 2021 at 6 PM at the Delta Hotel in South Burlington, VT. Please join us to celebrate Life and the courageous efforts of our honoree, Fr. Timothy Naples, to provide ultrasounds to Mothers; a window through which they can see the precious human life they carry. The RSVP Form is available for you to fill out and submit with your check no later than 25 August. We need you meal choice! See attached. |
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Vote to admit candidate Chris Johnson to the Council |
Chris Johnson is a young Catholic graduate of St Michael's Collage recommended by PSD PGK Don Sutton for membership.
Approval of Amended Council By-Laws |
Shall the Council approve amendments to the Council By-Laws as developed and recommended by the Council By-Laws Committee?
Tent rental for Saint John Vianney Parish BBQ |
Shall the Council reimburse SJV $350 for the rental of a large tent for the Parish BBQ?
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Polo Shirts
Polo Shirts are available through Worthy Warden Jay Benson. Our "official" Council Color is Navy Blue, so be sure to get one of those if you plan to do public works. You may also order other colors. The shirts come in your size with our Logo for $25. Another $5 gets your name on it as you specify. Send a check payable to East Coast Printers c/o Jay Benson, 288 Barstow Road, Shelburne, VT 05482. Our group order is going in on 13 August, so get your checks in soon.
Knight of the Month
Worthy PGK Jay Benson is the Council's Knight of the Month for the month of July owing to his support of the council and hosting the Council BBQ.
Family of the Month
Our Family of the Month for July is the Alice and Jay Benson Family who so graciously hosted the First Annual Council BBQ on July 8th, 2021.
4th Degree
On August 15th your Color Corp will participate with other Assemblies in support of the State Installation of Officers at Saint Joseph Cathedral at the 10 AM Mass. It's not too late to sign up on our website to help with set-up, serving, or clean-up. Please show your support by attending.
St. John Vianney Parish Picnic
The annual SJV Parish Picnic was held on August 45th. There was a great turn-out, good food cooked by Colchester Lion's Jeff and Lois Fontaine, and a wonderful performance of juggling by Fr. Tim!
Lot's of help with clean-up, too made light work of the task. We are asked to pay for the tent rental in the amount of $350. See Warnings.
Potential New Member
Our PSD, PGK Don Sutton recommended a recent graduate from St Michael's Collage, Chris Johnson, to join the Knight's. He has been interviewed by Fr. Tim and the Council Officers. We will vote to accept him into the Council at the August 12 meeting. See Warnings.
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State Officer Installation
The annual State Officer Installation is on August 15. You can volunteer on our website, We need help with set-up, serving and clean-up. Colchester Lions will be helping us with cooking again.
Age Well
Age Well, a non-profit service agency is in dire need of drivers to deliver Meals On Wheels. If you have the means, please volunteer to assist them with this vital corporeal work of mercy. Call them at (802) 865-0360 today.
Council 7525 LOGO Stone
Fr. Tim has designated a final resting place for our Council LOGO Stone. The site located in front of SJV needs to be cleared by DigSafe before we will need volunteers to dig the hole for the base. Then its' time for gravel, rebar and concrete. Finally we will need help setting the stone in place. This stone will provide a public sign of our permanent relationship with SJV as our home base. Stay tuned for a call to action.
Saint John Vianney Signage Repairs
SJV will soon be contracting to have their lighted signage repaired in front of the Church. Our Council has already pledged monies towards the costs of these improvements in our Council Budget.
CCD Program Support
The CCD Program at St. Jude and OLMC have asked the Knights to consider cooking breakfast and Pot-luck Dinners for the CCD program. Stay tuned for a call to action.
Holy Hour
One of our Faith Programs is a quarterly Holy Hour. We have traditionally conducted a prayer service for our Priests in November and that should continue. To meet the requirements for the Holy Hour as specified by Supreme, we need to conduct the Holy Hour at least quarterly. The program would consist of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with a Scriptural Rosary. (Scripture versus that inform each Hail Mary) One proposal is to do this monthly, rotating through the four Parishes that make up our Council. That gives everyone a home team advantage. This would be labor intensive as we as Knights would be responsible to lead the Rosary and recite the scriptures. Do you have a desire to volunteer for this ministry?
Once we gauge the level of support you will have an opportunity to respond to a call for action to cover a Holy Hour.
PGK, PSD Don Sutton's Porch
Repairs last fall to worthy alumnus OSD, PGK Don Sutton's porch were left safe, but not aesthetically pleasing. More work was needed and Worthy Warden, Jay Benson, stepped "Into the Breach". Repairs are now complete and the final work is ready for inspection. Thank you Worthy Warden!
Collection for People with Intellectual Disabilities (AKA the Tootsie Roll Drive)
This important effort is making a Post-COVID comeback. This year we plan to focus on our four parishes so stay tuned for a call to action to volunteer to stay after a Mass to encourage parishioners to be generous. Worthy Program Director Ted Barrett is leading on this program.
GI Party
Our new Officer Manager (WDGK and WFN) Dave Martin is planning to clean-up our office and get our displays up to date and in order. Fr. Tim is willing to give us more options about our displays for greater visibility to the public, too. Stand by for a call to action to volunteer to get down and get dirty. |
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Knights for Life Rosary Campaign
Fr. Tim is challenging all of us to commit to saying 50 Rosaries between now and Christmas for the cause of life. You can also request some of the 250 rosaries donated to this cause. "we pray for a respect for all life from conception to natural death, we pray for the restoration of human dignity in the laws of the state of Vermont, and for the rebuilding of a culture of life all around us." Sign-up on our Website, or on Fr. Tim's blog,
Saint John Vianney Parish Breakfasts
Our Chaplain, and Pastor of SJV, would like to have the Council offer breakfast regularly at SJV. This would entail set-up, cooking, serving and clean-up. This may involve our post-confirmation youth as well. Do you have a desire to serve in this capacity? Stand by for a call to action for a chance to volunteer. |
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August Birthdays to Celebrate
Walden Rooney, Gerard Groleau, Ronald Morin, Vincent Frigo, Nicolas Jaramillo, David Bullock, Hyun Tae Kim, Sean Sullivan, James Bergan, Michael Williams, Joseph Myers, Ray Newman.
Joe and Jean Groleau celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Saturday with family and friends. They both had birthdays to celebrate as well. Congratulations! |
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Please pray for the following members and friends who are ill or in distress and their families;
Norm Groleau (chemotherapy), George Stevens, James Reed, Richard Waite, Robert Morris, Richard Gravelin (recently suffered a bad fall), Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock (chemotherapy), Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.
Last Rites
We note the passing of our sister in Christ, Mrs. Yvonne Shover. Her funeral Mass was well attended and she was remembered by family and friends with warmth and humor.
Our Knight of the Month for July is PGK Jay Benson.
Our Family of the Month for July is the Alice and Jay Benson Family.
Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie is planning to tell us about Saint Barnabas. He will sing for us Let there Be Peace On Earth. Many thanks to Bernie for all he has done.
Please continue to experience this video series on your own. Find all 12 videos at
Sign up for the Supreme Monthly Series of webinars found at
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Website News |
Projects/My Tasks
New functionality has been added to our website to help manage council and assembly projects. I have been using this feature to set the five main KofC projects of Faith, Family, Community, Life and Other as described on the Annual Survey. Members can add their own activities, time, and treasure to these to help keep track of good deeds through the year and improve your annual survey numbers.
I added two projects to help with website design and Service quest issues.
We are now using Project Manager to help with the Anchor Award for 2021 and it appears this is proving to be stress reliever for Mike Bullock and others. Other projects can be added as needed.
If you add a new project, it is important that you add tasks in order log your activities. Members are also required to share the load and responsibilities.
Social Media Features
In the last few weeks, I have been working on the social networking features for the website and connecting to Facebook. We now have a Facebook page and presence, but we are not doing any advertising yet. This needs to be addressed. I’m not happy with the front page. It’s a WIP. You can view it at
Along with this linking I found a plugin that will take our Events and send them over to our Facebook page’s timeline. It’s not automated, and you must select the event and intend to send it. Cost is extra to automate.
If you wish to expand your profiles to include which social media platforms you support, you can now update your profiles to add the social links in the appropriate fields. Ultimate Member only supports the basics like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn. These links get added to your profile when members view you from the Members page and Profile Page. Messenger is not one of the options yet.
And the best is saved for last. There is now an on-line chat feature that shows up in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. This is like the “who is online” feature in the upper left corner of the Members page but you can now chat with who is online. Data is not stored, and chat is private only to our site and members.
All these advances have been free.
Login and enjoy, don’t be afraid. It’s a tool for us.
God Bless,
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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
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Anchor Award – September 3, 2021: Cocktails 6:00 PM followed by dinner at 7:00 PM.
RSVP by August 25, 2021 (Your mail must reach us by this date)
Cost is $40.00 per person
Name of Person(s)
Menu Choice* (Fish, Poultry, Pasta)
Contact information for person making reservation: (Address, email, or phone number, please)
Total number of persons: _______@ $40.00 =
Total Amount: $__________
Please make check payable to: K of C Council 7525
Mail to:
Richard Gravelin, Council Treasurer
7 Aspen Drive, Apt 239
South Burlington, VT. 05403
*Menu choices
1. Fish: Maple Glazed Salmon (Maple marinated fillet of salmon baked with a sweet and salty glaze)
2. Poultry: Sugar House Chicken (Sautéed boneless chicken breast topped with seasonal apples, VT Cabot cheese and a maple-apple cider demi-glace)
3. Pasta: Penne Pasta Primavera Alfredo (Penne pasta tossed with seasonal fresh vegetables in Alfredo sauce) |
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