September 2021 Newsletter |
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Grand Knight, Michael Bullock |
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16) |
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,
This past Friday we conducted the 2021 Anchor Award Banquet and presented the coveted Anchor Award to our beloved Chaplain, Fr. Timothy Naples. Many thanks to the Anchor Award Planning Committee, and to Don Sutton (Table Flowers), Tom Gravelin (Delta Contract, Reception), Brad Chenette (A-V System, Reception), Jay Benson (Set-up, reserved seating, flags, Council Banner), Richard Gravelin (RSVP), Ray Michaud (Program), PSD, PDM Dominic DiCicco (MC), SD Steve Shover (Printing, Anchor Award), PSD Tom Herbst (Pledge), Deb Couture (Keynote Speaker).
What follows is an excerpt from my comments at this event.
We will begin with scripture, the Word.
Luke 10: 25-28
25 On one occasion a lawyer stood up to pose him this problem: "Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life?" 26 Jesus answered him: "What is written in the law? How do you read it?" 27 He replied: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; And your neighbor as yourself." 28 Jesus said, "You have answered correctly. Do this and you shall live."
We all want to live, and so we all wisely seek to follow these commandments. But some of us follow them in an extraordinary way. It is those individuals that the Anchor Award was created to celebrate; people we can admire, seek to emulate, those who inspire us to join them.
We are talking about people who make great contributions to make this a better world by applying leadership to mitigate injustice. The more wide-spread and egregious the injustice, the more these individual efforts at correction become public, conspicuous in their passion and devotion; contagious. They attract both allies and opponents who are threatened by change.
Blessed Father Michael McGivney was one of those leaders. As a priest his vocation demonstrated his great love for God, and he saw Christ in his neighbor while seeking to be Christ to his neighbors.
What was the great social injustice of his time? In addition to the general persecution of Catholics, the only jobs open to Catholic Immigrants were low paying and dangerous; mining. These jobs carried with them great hardship and a short life expectancy. When a breadwinner died his family was left destitute. Why was Fr McGivney a man for his time? Because he worked tirelessly to address this injustice. His most enduring and successful response was the founding of our Order; The Knights of Columbus in 1882. The Order, by promoting fraternity, charity and unity increased the faith of Catholics, and gave them hope and a safety net against disaster and pre- mature death. There are now over 14 million Knights across the globe. The K of C supports families to this day. The Patriotic 4th Degree has made us better citizens, too.
Like Michael McGivney, Timothy Naples answered God’s call to a priestly vocation. Like Fr. McGivney he serves many flocks and works tirelessly in the service of parishioners and non-believers alike. He sees Christ in his neighbor and acts as Christ to his neighbor. What is the social injustice of our time? The millions of babies killed with impunity since Roe v Wade became the law of the land. We live in a time of wide-spread licentiousness; a society where individualism is our god, we can seek our own good, as we imagine it, without regard to the harm that may be done to others. We do not need to wear a mask, get a vaccine, obey the speed limit, respect the law, have the baby, discuss ideas. This attitude has shaken our support even of our founding documents; life itself is no longer an inalienable right bestowed by our Creator. We cannot see others, different from ourselves in any way, as neighbors, only infringements of our personal freedoms.
We have deluded ourselves into thinking that freedom no longer requires responsibility, that our choices no longer have consequences. Since Roe v Wade abortion as a legal choice has been conflated as a moral license conferring individual sovereignty. Vulnerable women facing a crisis pregnancy have been exploited by profiteers, and other members of society.
Why is Fr. Naples a man for our time? Because he has applied leadership to mitigate this great calamity through his Vermont Knights for Life Initiative, his 50 Rosaries for Life Campaign, and his support and promotion of a Mobile Ultrasound Clinic for Vermont’s underserved communities. Seeing an ultrasound of the developing child in the womb empowers mothers to make an informed decision about the continuity of life. Ultrasound is a window through which a mother can witness the humanity of her unborn child. To see this “other” as a gift from God to be welcomed and nurtured. The staff who administer the ultrasound show compassion, understanding, and witness; the mother realizes she is not alone.
The work of promoting life is ongoing; please consider joining Fr Naples and your fellow Knights, by making a regular donation of your time and treasure to this cause.
Finally, I ask you to invite other Catholic Men to join our Order. “Many hands make light work.”
Vivat Jesus!”
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The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM 12 August at 7 PM. Meeting was called to order by Grand Knight Mike Bullock who also led the Council in a prayer. Minutes were sent to all members for approval. The last Officer Meeting was held in person at SJV and on ZOOM 2 SEP at 6:30 PM. Both meetings were preceded by dinner from Marco's Pizza. Voluntary donations offset most of the costs.
Our Treasurer, Rick Gravelin is in post-surgical rehab for his broken foot. There was no treasurers report.
The WFS reported the Morgan Stanley investment account balance was $510,904.89. (Note: the Budget committee needs to meet soon and establish our budget for the next two years.
The By-laws were approved by the council at the last meeting.
Worthy Warden, Jay Benson, has the posters and will mount them in time for next season for display at St Jude and OLMC.
Our Webmaster is in rehab. If you have issues with the website, please be patient.
Collection for persons with Intellectual Disabilities (aka Tootsie Roll drive)
Here is another worthy cause to volunteer for. We have in our Council four parishes. This year we are going to collect only from our Churches due to Covid-19.
We will need to cover all of the Masses the weekend of 18-19 SEP21. We need two men for each Church at a minimum to cover multiple exits.
Staying a few minutes after your regular Mass should be easy-but we need you to volunteer to cover other parishes as well. We are under-represented at St Catherine, and OLMC, for instance.
This is an opportunity to meet your neighbors, collect for a good cause and talk up the Knights to potential members! (Bring some sign-up cards, too) Below are the Mass times at each parish. Please respond to Ted Barrett which Masses you can cover. He can be reached at or (802) 453-3087. He will need your name, phone number and/or email address.
SJV 4:30 SAT; 0800-0930-1130 SUN
OLMC 0800-1100 SUN
St Jude 4:30 SAT; 0930 SUN
St Catherine 5:15 SAT; 0830-1115 SUN
Our next meeting is 9 SEP 2021 at 7 PM in person at SJV and on ZOOM. (See below link). We will have a social hour and dinner beginning at 6 PM. Please join us.
Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239
Passcode: 297697
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,84647582239#,,,,*297697# US (New York)
The state officer installation and BBQ took place on 15 August after the 10:30 Mass at St Joseph's Cathedral. Bishop Coyne officiated. It was well attended. Thanks to District 3 DD Bill LaCroix and his wife Michelle (prior Anchor Award recipient) for all of their work in support of the event. Thanks too, to Burlington and Winooski Councils for their help. We had excellent support from the Colchester Lions Club again this year with their commercial grill and Chefs Jeff and Lois Fontaine and Ken Emery, Lion's President. |
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Council Warning |
09/06/2021 |
Shall the Council conduct an Exemplification for new members and members who have not attained to the Third Degree on OCT 14 before the next Business Meeting?
Council Warning |
09/06/2021 |
Shall the Council commit to cooking and serving breakfast at SJV monthly on the 2nd or 4th weekends as a post-Covid welcome back to parishioners.
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Holy Hour
The first monthly Council Holy Hour took place on First Friday 3 SEP from 3 -4 PM. During the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, members of the Council led parishioners through the Scripture Rosary for many intentions, including a respect for life from conception to natural death. This is a very moving Rosary with scripture passages prior to each Hail Mary. At the conclusion of the Rosary proper, we added the Prayer to Saint Michael, the Litany of Saint Joseph, the Memorare, and the Prayer of Saint Gertrude for holy souls in Purgatory. We intend to sustain this devotion every First Friday. Please sign up to help lead or participate to show your support. Please let us know if a different time slot would make it easier for you to attend. |
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Please pray for the following people who are ill or in distress and their families;
Sandy (a woman in distress at Central Vermont Hospital), Kathy Barrett, Vickie Linton (relative of DD3), George Stevens, James Read, Richard Waite, Robert Morris, Richard Gravelin (multiple foot fractures suffered in a bad fall), Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock (chemotherapy), Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.
Family of the Month for Vermont
Jay and Alice Benson were the Family of the Month for Vermont in July.
Our Knight of the Month for August 2021 is Ray Michaud.
Our Family of the Month for August 2021 is Dick and Jackie Labrecque.
Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie is planning to tell us about Saint Padre Pio, whom he met before the Saint died. He will sing for us Be Not Afraid.
Please continue to experience this video series on your own. The next video is “Spiritual Warfare” and can be found at this link:
5 Gorman Hebert and Bernie Prendergast, 12 Robert Mount, 13 Stephen Cote, 17 James Stevens, 20 Dinh Dang and Edward Schirmer, 21 John Beatty, Jr and Patrick Mahoney, 22 David Lavallee, 24 Rev. Timothy Naples, 26 James Gordon
Eternal rest, peace, and an everlasting vision of the face of God to Sir Knight Norm Groleau. Please pray for him and his family. Amen. |
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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
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