“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16)
As I begin to write my comments for this Newsletter, I am waiting to begin one of my hours (40 Hours for Lent) before the Blessed Sacrament. To “watch one hour with the Lord”, as He asked His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane so long ago, is truly an honor. I was thinking of a word to describe how to approach the Lord in the Monstrance and I thought of “revere.” Revere is defined as “awe, respect, and affection”. It reminds of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, “Fear of the Lord”, and the command to love God above all, and our neighbor as ourselves. So too, Jesus is to be worshiped, adored, and glorified. How fortunate we are that we have a God who sent us His only Son as “Bread from Heaven” to save us and nurture us. The Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Christ as He stated emphatically before His crucifixion and resurrection. And what He shares with us is His Resurrected Body (the whole Christ including soul and Divinity)-living and vibrant and Holy. He is the “Bread of Life”.
As Pope Francis reminded the Bishops of the Church recently “The Eucharist is not the reward of saints, but the bread of sinners.” In other words, the Blessed Sacrament is not dessert, He is the main course! “We are what we eat” is a saying based on a truth, and the more we seek to worthily receive the Lord, the more like Him we will become. His Real Presence has the power to heal us, nurture us and forgive us our venial sins. In that way we can be closer to Him. In some way the Eucharist also points the way to eternal life, much like breadcrumbs were used to mark the way of return. (In this case a return from a state of sin)
One of the youngest recent Blessed of the Church is Carlo Acutis. Carlo was born in 1991 and died of leukemia in October 2006. His feast day is October 12th. This teenager had a great love for the Eucharist. He stated that his life plan was “To always be close to Jesus.” At a very young age, Carlo felt compelled to go to daily Mass to receive the Eucharist. His model of holiness was St John, the beloved apostle of Christ. He was gifted in computer science and researched the many miracles of the Eucharist where, after consecration, the accidents of bread and wine give way to reveal Jesus’ flesh and blood. The first of these miracles happened in the Eighth century in Lanciano, Italy during Mass. The consecrated host was flesh, and the wine was blood. Examination by scientists determined the flesh was heart tissue and the blood was AB+. AB+ is a rare blood type that can receive any other type of blood but can only be given to someone with the same blood type. Just as miraculous, the flesh and blood are fresh-like they were just taken from a living person. That seems mysteriously like the idea that all are called to Holiness, but only by becoming like Him “Pick up His cross daily and follow Him” can He give Himself fully to us.
Carlo is unofficially the “patron saint of the internet”. You can find out more about him by visiting CarloAcutis.com and pray for his intercession. For me the Eucharist is the sui generis of Catholic revealed truth. I have taken to adding the following words at the end of the Apostles creed “and I believe in the Incarnation of Christ in the Eucharist.” This Lent, we can focus on the real presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Please continue prayers, almsgiving, and fasting for the people of Ukraine, and for our Brother Knights there who are now serving their neighbors in a war zone. We can offer our own sufferings to mitigate theirs.
Our premier event, the Super Bingo is just around the corner-April 24th. This month you will find out how you can help support this wonderful cause.
Vivat Jesus!
Council Chaplain's Corner
Worthy Grand Knight:
This morning, I was fortunate to speak with His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki of Lviv, Ukraine’s two leading Catholic prelates, representing the Eastern and Western rites. It was moving to hear the witness of both men, who are ministering tirelessly and courageously to a people facing unimaginable stress and turmoil. These two archbishops — both proud brother Knights for almost a decade — expressed their tremendous gratitude for the support the Knights of Columbus has already demonstrated, and which I pledged to continue. I promised that the Knights of Columbus would accompany them and their people both in prayer and material support. I am writing today to ask for your continued help with both.
As you know, the Knights of Columbus launched the Ukraine Solidarity Fund to support our brother Knights and their families, as well as their countrymen and women in Ukraine during this time of intense need. As of this writing, we have exceeded $2.5 million raised by Knights and other donors. Taking into account the Supreme Council’s initial $1 million commitment and $500,000 matching challenge, the Ukraine Solidarity Fund already stands at more than $4 million dollars.
These funds are already being put to use for humanitarian purposes both in Ukraine and in neighboring Poland where so many refugees have fled. In addition to providing food, shelter, medicine and religious goods in the short term, we have also committed to remain for the long haul, to help as Knights always do.
During this Lenten season, I encourage you to support these efforts in two ways. First, I urge you to organize council fundraising events for the Ukraine Solidarity Fund. I have authorized Columbian Award credits for councils who donate at certain thresholds (details will be provided in the next “Fraternal Advisory”). Second, I encourage you and all our brother Knights to pray. Consider holding Holy Hours and rosaries for peace in Ukraine and for those suffering right now. While the benefits of our prayers may not be as tangible as dollars spent on food or medicine, we trust that their effects are even more important. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact fraternalmission@kofc.org.
Your support will have a significant impact on the lives of the innocent Ukrainian people who have been brutally impacted by this war. Thank you.
Patrick E. Kelly
Supreme Knight
The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM 10 February at 7 PM. Meeting was called to order by Grand Knight Mike Bullock. Minutes were sent to all members for approval. The last Officer Meeting was held in person and on ZOOM on 3 MAR at 6:30 PM during the 40 Hours. Voluntary donations offset most of the cost of pizza prior to both Meetings.
Our Treasurer, Rick Gravelin, reported the checking account balance of $16,408.88. Rick has developed an online voucher system we hope to implement soon.
The WFS reported the Morgan Stanley investment account balance at $445,540.38.
The Website Development Team continues to work to make our website more user friendly. kofcvt.org.
Our next business meeting is 10 March 2022 at 7 PM in person and on ZOOM. Our pizza and salad will be at 6 PM. Prior to the meeting the Webmaster will be available to answer questions or demo Web features.
There is an Exemplification of the Fourth Degree scheduled for April 30, 2022. Additonal details will be forthcoming. This would be a good time to advance from the 3rd Degree.
Membership Drive
Our newest member, Cullen Bullard, is working hard to recruit new members at Saint Catherine of Siena. This is a Round Table Church led by Coordinator and Worthy Warden Jay Benson. I challenge the other Round Tables to step up. A membership drive is in the works for St. Catherine's soon. Please volunteer.
Round Table
Congratulations to St Jude, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and St Catherine of Siena for forming Round Tables in our Council. Please note that Fr. Zucarro is now officially the Pastor at St Jude and OLMC.
There are no warnings this month.
Our seventh First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place during the 40 Hours Devotion on 4 March 2022 from 3 - 4 PM. There were six Brothers present, one spouse and two parishioners. During the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, members of the Council led parishioners through the St Joseph Icon Rosary Sorrowful Mysteries. Next Holy Hour will be 1 APR at 3 PM at SJV.
Pickle Ball is here!
The Council now has a Pickleball Set at St John Vianney and at St Jude. If you want to get a game together, let us know.
The Assembly is looking to support the burial of Ray Newman on 20 MAY at 1030 at the St George Cemetery. Let us know if you can make it.
Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team by calling 802-662-5249 or via email: volunteer@agewellvt.org
10 MAR 22 Council Business Meeting 7 PM, after pizza
24 APR 22 Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer (Camp Ta Kum Ta)
13-15 MAY 22 State Convention at Jay Peak
30 APR Exemplification of the 4th Degree
14 MAY Monsignor Thomas Ball Memorial Golf Tournament (West Bolton Country Club)
20 MAY 22, 1030, Ray Newman committal at St George Cemetery
21 May 22 Ordination, time TBD at St Joseph Cathedral
30 MAY 22 Memorial Day Mass, time TBD at Resurrection Park Cemetery
New Financial Features
Two new options have been added to make managing expense report submission and voucher submission and the second signature capture very simple, fast, and effective. This is available for the Assembly as well.
When you need to submit expenses for reimbursement this can be done very easily by accessing Quick Options.
Our Financial Secretary, Worthy, Charlie Brown can now create a voucher on the website where the process is designed to send a pre-formatted voucher to our Worthy Grand Knight in the form of an email and a separate PDF document where our GK can either sign the email (email signature extension loaded on a browser free) or can sign the PDF using a PDF signature Tool (Adobe $) return the voucher to Treasurer with an added email address to our QuickBooks which will load the voucher into QuickBooks, automatically. Our Grand Knight is the only person authorized to do this send to QuickBooks by email.
The easiest way to do these tasks by mobile phone is to type https://kofcvt.org/cellphone/ in the URL area in your browser where you can sign in and see the buttons. Only the FS has access to the Create Voucher button.
Another way to access the quick options is by going to kofcvt.org on your mobile device and pressing the left-hand hamburger menu. You will find Quick Options. Sign in and you can have access to options quickly.
Accessing this feature from a desk-top or lap-top has been added to the drop-down menu under the option Member where you will get the same buttons but with Assembly post on the left, and Council posts on the right. You must sign in normally to see this option.
Family of the Month
03/07/2022 - Mike Bullock
February 2022 Charles and Karen Brown
Knight of the Month
03/07/2022 - Mike Bullock
February 2022 Robert (Bob) Wilkens
Please pray for the following people who are ill or in distress and their families;
Galinda from Ukraine Ronald McDonald House, For the people of Ukraine and an end to the war, Sue Cottrell, Family of the late Frank Cross, Family of the late DCN Chris Keough, Family of the late Ray Newman, Family of the late Lennie Roberge, Robert (Bob) Gravelin, Keith Marston, Gary Howe and Family, Family of the late Paul Pouliot, Christopher Haley (homeless veteran), Parker Yvonne Lyon (Granddaughter of Tom Gravelin) and mom and dad Ellen and Garrett, sister Clara Lynn, Patricia Brown, Patricia Stevens, Amy and her mother (22 year old woman fighting cancer at Dana-Farber), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton (relative of DD3), George Stevens, James Read, Richard Waite, Robert Morris, Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, , Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock (chemo), Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, peace in Eastern Europe, the defeat of the "Personal Reproductive Liberty Amendment" in Vermont, and for new Members to join the Order.
Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie is planning to tell us about Saint Patrick and sing the song Hail Glorious St Patrick.
This wonderfull series can be found at this link: https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html
6 Bill Ladd, 15 Keith Marston and Mike Bullock, 16 Thang Nguyen, 18 Ryan Aubin, 20 Cullen Bullard and Jake Cunavelis and Jeffrey Lindemann, 21 Ray Michaud and Stephen Savoy, 23 REV Daniel White, 25 Dick Stevens, 29 Glenn Daigle.
Eternal rest, peace, and an everlasting vision of the face of God to DCN Chris Keough and Frank Cross.
Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403 Copyright 2021