Louis J Trono Assembly 2106 Newsletter

June 4, 2021

by Richard Gravelin, FN

Worthy Sir Knights,

I wish to thank you for the opportunity to serve you these last 2 years. Since we have been unable to have assembly meetings since last year I have been making use of the interjection point for 4th degree items in the council meetings. But now that we can meet face to face and since we have to vote on a new slate of assembly officers we will be having a formal meeting following the council meeting.  

Our next meeting is June 10th following the Council meeting. 

We have a finalized list of assembly officers for the 2021 - 2022 assembly year.  

Officer Position Nomination
Faithful Navigator Richard Gravelin
Faithful Comptroller Charlie Brown
Faithful Friar Fr. Tim Naples
Faithful Captain Ted Barrett
Faithful Admiral Dick Stevens
Faithful Purser Ray Michaud
Faithful Pilot Richard Labrecque
Faithful Scribe Bernie Prendergast
Inner Sentinel Doan Vu
Outer Sentinel Dave Martin
Faithful Trustee #1 Tom Gravelin
Faithful Trustee #2 Ali Nasab
Faithful Trustee #3 Mike Bullock
Color Corps CDR Mike Bullock

We will be voting on these nominees at the meeting. 

 Accomplishments Over the Past 2 Years

1. Celebrated the 37 year service as Color Corps Commander by Richard Stevens with a Dinner, Supreme Recognition Letter, and Award Plaque.  Dick was a hard act to follow and we thank him for his service.

2. Installed Worthy Sir Knight, Michael Bullock as Color Corps Commander.

3. Replaced the Assembly Jewels with a new set. Thank you Worthy Sir Bill Ladd for your kind donation. 

4. Increased our Color Corps to 7 worthy sir knights. 

5. Partially set up QuickBooks Pro to manage Assembly books. This will be finished when I am Faithful Purser. 

6. Established the assembly as part of the new website.  People can request Color Corps by email from the new website kofcvt.org. 

7. Repaired two American flag pole eagle tops.  

8. Infused $1000.00 into the Assembly. 

9. We had two exemplifications with 3 new Assembly members.

Final Thoughts


Thanks to Worthy Sir Ray Michaud for his initiative in suggesting we donate 200.00 to the Wounded Warriors Project.  


The above picture was taken by Worthy Sir Dave Martin after the Memorial Day Mass as we had 6 Color Cops members in attendance. 


Thank you for your patience with me and I look foreword to serving you in different capacity.  


Vivat Jesus

Upcoming Events
June 8, 2021
8:30 am - 9:30 am


Mass for Reverend John Willis Hamilton 6/8  For the repose of his soul.  May he rest in peace. Reverend John Willis Hamilton, age 76, died on May 4th, 2021. Father Hamilton was born on […]

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June 19, 2021
10:00 am - 11:00 am

South Burlington - PO Box 9214

Ordination and Mass

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June 30, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Civic Award Application is Due on 6/30 (Optional)

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July 1, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

South Burlington - PO Box 9214

Report of Officers Chosen for the Term Due  7/1

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August 1, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

South Burlington - PO Box 9214

Annual Assembly Audit Report Due 8/1

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For the good of the order

Please Pray for the following:

Joe Myers and Family,
Jeffrey Claude Danis and family
Tom Westropp,
Andrew Bolognani,
PSD/PGK Don Sutton,
Ray & Bev Newman,
PGK Ray Miller,
Stuart Fath,
Dan Smith,
David Bullock,
Repose of the soul of Fr. Hamilton
Repose of the soul of Deacon Joe Lane
repose of the soul of Yvonne Cross (wife of Bro. Armand Cross),
 Yvonne Gravelin,
Harold Ponto,
Wally Rooney,
PGK Bob Audette,
Bob Wilkens,
Gerry Malavenda,

 Matthew Rainville,

Ed and Theresa Curtiss,
response of the soul of 4 th Degree Knight Robert Gendron,
all clergy and religious,
victims and families of COVID-19,
First Responders,
A prayer for new Members to join our Order.

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Louis J Trono Assembly 2106 

PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403

Copyright 2021