1. Call to Order: 7 PM by GK Mike Bullock (Initially, 12 Brother Knights were in attendance in person, later joined online by Ken Jarvis) District Deputy, Bill LaCroix was also present in person.

2. Opening Prayer: Our Lord’s Prayer led by GK Mike Bullock

3. Pledge of Allegiance (USA) or Patriotic Display of Loyalty: Pledge recited by all members.

4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting: Approved by all members present.

5. Chaplain's Message: Not in attendance.

6. Grand Knight's Report

(Ted is recorder ILO Ray who is traveling)

See the Minutes and the Newsletter. (Newsletter done on Website)

Need to document our activities for the year to close out 2020-2021. Ted is Working on this.

Newsletter is not out yet. It will be sent out today or tomorrow

(Please continue to support Knightcast, Into the Breach series)

Website is up and running. Check it out and report any issues you find to make it better.  

Super auction is ongoing (4-13 JUN 2021), please bid on something so the GK does not win too many items.

Ordination 19 JUN at ST Joseph Cathedral at 1000 (Honor Guard)

Many of you are still 1st or 2nd Degree Knights. Please go to Kofc.org/ceremonials and select the On-Demand Exemplification. In half an hour you will be a third-degree Knight. (Let the GK and FS know)

7. Financial Report

The Treasurer referred the members to the Council Profit and Loss Report for the balance as it was not available at the time of the meeting. 

8. Membership Report

No new members this month; Kevin Limoge needs to make 1st-3rd Degree. Waiting to see if he will do so online or in person. If in person will active the Exemplification Team.

9. Other Reports 

a. State Deputy Not present

b. District Deputy 

     Advised us to fill out Form 185 after election and submit copies to him and State Forms Chair, Dennis Smith.

      Advised us to submit Form SP-7 for the Columbian Award-only need 10 credits , and RSVP counts for 2 credits.

      Council is asked to help with the State Officer Installation on August 15 by providing cooks, servers and Honor Guard. DD said he would consult with other (some new) GKs to see if all wanted to do the Council Officer Installations at the same event. 

       SD presented last year's Columbian Award to PGK Tom Gravelin.

c. Super Auction Chairman. Super auction doing very well. We are at $8K, think we can get to $10K, lowered bids on some items to get them moving. Meet June 19th in the parking lot may have to be rescheduled due to scheduling conflicts with Ordination.

d. Faithful Navigator. Assembly will meet after the Council to elect officers for the next year.

e. Trustees. Trustees put forth a slate of officers as follows:

Grand Knight: Mike Bullock

Deputy Grand Knight: Dave Martin

Chancellor: Dick Stevens

Treasurer: Rick Gravelin

Recorder:  Ray Michaud

Advocate:  Tom Buzzell

Warden: Jay Benson

Inside Guard: Dihn Dang

Outside Guard: Doan Vu

Trustee 3rd Year: Brad Chenette

Trustee 2nd Year: Tom Gravelin

Trustee 1st Year: Ted Barrett

f. Insurance Agent: Not present.

10. Unfinished Business


1. $500 proposed by Ken Jarvis as a gift to St Anne's Shrine to be matched by him and others for a total gift of $2,000. *passed*

2.  $250 (up to) for food costs for July Meeting BBQ and Potluck (Worthy Warden Jay Benson)        *passed*

3.  Election of Officers for 2021-2022 Fraternal Year. *passed*

4.  By-Law amendments. Deferred until more recommendations can be considered by the By-Laws Committee. 

Other Business

5.   Insurance on Council Office contents? Dave consulted church authorities and church insurance does cover us. Dave was asked to go back and ask $ amounts and to get it in writing.

6.   Anchor Award Dinner Planning (dates 28 AUG or 25 SEP @ Delta Conference Center) still needs to be finalized. Tom to follow-up with Delta on dates.

7.   Shirt purchase Orders to Jay for local procurement ($25 plus $5 for name) contact Jay with your shirt size if you want one. Shirts will be Navy Blue for official events.  

8.   Welcome back breakfasts at Council Churches Post-COVID-19 to be determined.

9.   June 25 St Jude BBQ support (Need grills and people to cook hotdogs and burgers)

10.  July BBQ and Potluck need to plan and get the word out. Scheduled for July 8 at Worthy Warden's residence. (Rain date?)

11.  August 4 SJV Picnic Tents , we will need to put up and take down tents-Parish to pay for the tent rental. 

12.   Don Sutton’s Porch repair, Jay will look at metal railings to see if they can be repaired.

13. The council stone can be installed out in front of church. Needs to be scheduled. WDGK to locate and mark exact location for prep work. Need to contact DIGSAFE.

14. SJV Church sign needs to be replaced. We previously agreed to help with cost. Exact cost to be determined.               

11. New Business (new motions):

Financial Secretary reports the Morgan Stanley value at $493,246.88.

At request of WFS, Council will pay $50 for St. Marks raffle ticket.

Jay presented a completed RSVP Form for donation to a worthy seminarian.

Brief discussion about the need to update our visual displays in the officer area-documentation of past GK and FNs, Awards, etc. Will need to create a service personnel position for consistency. 

12. Good of the Order

Family of the Month: None selected.

Knight of the Month: PGK Tom Gravelin

13. Lecturer’s Reflection (optional) Not present.

14. Grand Knight’s Summary

Jake C. doing work for Facebook-video shorts for posting on Facebook page to be established soon. 

15. Closing Prayer (including intentions for sick or distressed members):

Richard Gravelin, Gene Tofferi, Yvonne Shover, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.

Closing Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney led by GK.

16. Adjournment: Declared by GK at approx. 8:20 PM.

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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
