Michael Bullock
July 2021 Newsletter
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16)
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Chester A. Arthur Home 1833-1835

Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,

On July 4th, to attend the Independence Day parade, I was sitting with my family in front of a home in Hinesburg where a youthful future president resided for a time with is brothers and sisters. His name is Chester A Arthur. He lived in this modest home from 1833-1835. He became in the course of time the 21st President of the United States after the assassination of President James Garfield. Interestingly, one of the quotes attributed to President Arthur should, perhaps, have been more heeded; "The health of the people is of supreme importance. All measures looking to their protection against the spread of contagious diseases and to the increase of our sanitary knowledge for such purposes deserve attention of Congress." This serves as another reminder that the content of our founding documents is aspirational. In like way, we can say that our faith in Jesus Christ is also aspirational-to be like Him is to strive for Sainthood.  



P.s. What is the process of becoming a new member? First you go online at kofc.org and select "Who We Are" tab. Then select "About Membership". Then you can "Join" or find out about "Our Programs". sign-up. Following that you will be contacted by local leadership to arrange for an interview and the completion of a Form 100. After your interview with the Chaplain, Grand Knight, and Membership Director, the Council will vote on your acceptance at the next business meeting. If you are accepted, then you will take your degree exemplification online or in person and assigned to the Council. 

P.p.s. Still a 1st Degree Member? You can change that now! 

Go to https://kofc.org/ceremonials (Click on “Online Exemplification”, click on “English Invitation”). Then let GK and FS know to update Form 100-also notify State Council.


The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM June 10th after a dinner from Marco's Pizza. Meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Grand Knight Mike Bullock who also led the Council in a prayer. The meeting was attended by the Worthy District Deputy, Bill Lacroix. At that meeting we approved payment to St Anne's Shrine in the amount of $500 to match a gift from Worthy Family Director, Ken Jarvis. The Council approved a motion to pay up to $250 for the meat, condiments and dry goods for the Family BBQ. We also elected a slate of officers for the 2021-22 Fraternal Year. Minutes of that meeting have been distributed to all members. The last Officer Meeting was held in person and on ZOOM July 1st at 6:30 PM, also after dinner. The Officer Meeting was attended by Worthy State Deputy and Council 7525 Member, Steve Shover. Voluntary donations offset most of the costs. 

Worthy DD presents Columbian Award to Worthy PGK


It was reported that the checking account balance was $26,011.20, while the Quicken Balance was $24,731.64 owing to outstanding checks. 


The WFS reported the Morgan Stanley investment account balance as of July 1st was $496,536.12.


The By-laws have been reviewed by the members. Additional edits have been incorporated and reviewed by the Bylaws Committee. The final recommended version will be ready for council vote at the August Business Meeting. 


Worthy Warden, Jay Benson, has started mounting the posters, and has looked at both of the display sites at St Jude and OLMC.


Our Super Bingo Auction was a success! Thanks to the hard work of Tom Gravelin, David Martin, Lois Fontaine, Irene Russell and our Bingo Committee, the Auction has made about $6,500 for Camp Ta Kum Ta. Thanks to all who helped, or made bids. 


Our next meeting is 12 August at 7 PM. In lieu of a business meeting in July we are hosting a Family BBQ at the home of Worthy Warden, Jay and Alice Benson. Details can be found on our website. Please join us. Note-today is the last day to RSVP.  


The Anchor Award planning committee is working with Fr. Tim and the Delta Hotel on a suitable date for this important banquet. More to follow. 

Council Warning
Our Bylaws are in the final version and need to be approved by vote of the Council before going into effect.
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Polo Shirts

Polo Shirts are available through Worthy Warden Jay Benson. Our "official" Council Color is Navy Blue, so be sure to get one of those if you plan to do public works. You may also order other colors. The shirts come in your size with our Logo for $25. Another $5 gets your name on it as you specify. Send a check payable to East Coast Printers c/o Jay Benson, 288 Barstow Road, Shelburne, VT 05482. Out group order is going in on 13 August, so get your checks in soon. 

 Knight of the Month

Worthy PGK Tom Gravelin is the Council's Knight of the Month for the month of May owing to his contributions to the CTKT Super Auction and the Website development. 
GK presents PGK Tom Gravelin with Knight of the Month Award for May.

4th Degree

On June 10, the Assembly voted in a new slate of officers as recommended by the Faithful Trustees. On June 19, your Assembly 2106 Honor Guard participated with other Assemblies' Honor Guards at the Ordination Ceremony at Saint Joseph Cathedral in Burlington, VT. 

St. John Vianney Parish Picnic

The annual SJV Parish Picnic will be held on 4 August. A call for action is in the Website where you can sign up to help set-up tents, etc. 

Volunteer Opportunities

St. John Vianney Parish Picnic

The annual SJV Parish Picnic will be held on 4 August. A call for action is in the Website where you can sign up to help set-up tents, etc.

Age Well

Age Well, a non-profit service agency is in dire need of drivers to deliver Meals On Wheels. If you have the means, please volunteer to assist them with this vital corporeal work of mercy. Call them at (802) 865-0360 today.

Council 7525 LOGO Stone

Fr. Tim has designated a final resting place for our Council LOGO Stone. The site located in front of SJV needs to be cleared by DigSafe before we will need volunteers to dig the hole for the base. Then its' time for gravel, rebar and concrete. Finally we will need help setting the stone in place. This stone will provide a public sign of our permanent relationship with SJV as our home base. Stay tuned for a call for service.  

Saint John Vianney Signage Repairs

SJV will soon be contracting to have their lighted signage repaired in front of the Church. Our Council has already pledged monies towards the costs of these improvements in our Council Budget. 

Confirmation Youth Outreach

The Confirmation Youth Outreach committee has been brainstorming ways to keep our youth engaged in their parishes and committed to the spiritual life after receiving confirmation. Recently, Council Members supported a BBQ for youth from St. Jude and OLMC Parishes. It was a good time, too as we had enough folks to field two whiffle ball teams for some friendly completion. Stay tuned for more opportunities to contribute to this worthy effort. The next event is a Potluck dinner and Mass on Mount Philo on 14 August. 

Motley crew of BBQ "Chefs" ready to battle hamburgers and hotdogs.

PGK, PSD Don Sutton's Porch

Repairs last fall to worthy alumnus Don Sutton's porch were left safe, but not aesthetically pleasing. More work is needed. Worthy Warden, Jay Benson, plans to inspect the railings soon to see if we can repair or replace them with something functional and attractive. Stay tuned for a call to action.

Chaplain's Vestibule

Knights for Life Rosary Campaign

Fr. Tim is challenging all of us to commit to saying 50 Rosaries between now and Christmas for the cause of life. You can also request some of the 250 rosaries donated to this cause. "we pray for a respect for all life from conception to natural death, we pray for the restoration of human dignity in the laws of the state of Vermont, and for the rebuilding of a culture of life all around us." Sign-up on our Website, or on Fr. Tim's blog, https://ubipetrusvt.com/knights4life/knights-for-life-rosary-campaign/

Recent Member Birthdays

June Birthdays to Celebrate

Justin Churchill, Luan Van Tran, Peter Gadue, Henry Giroux III, George Corrow, Arland Dunbar, John Russell, James W. Girouard, Richard Antic, Michael Gervia, William Canon, Claude Bourgea, Nathan Poirier, George Parker, Andrew Girouard, Bradley Koehler, Ronald Benedict, Rev Patrick Foreman, Antonio Todisco, Gordon Lamay, Robert Audette

July Birthdays to Celebrate

Robert Dollmatsch, James Benson, Robert Fiorenza, Joshua McDonald, Stanley Gumienny, Kenneth Jarvis, Charles Brown, Bruce O'Neill, Stephen Shover, Stephen Stratz, Kevin Benedict, Victor Richer, Mark Lafayette



Please pray for the following members and friends who are ill or in distress and their families;


James Reed, Richard Waite, Robert Morris, Richard Gravelin, Gene Tofferi, Yvonne ShoverMike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.


Our Knight of the Month for June is the Worthy DGK David Martin.


Our Family of the Month for May was not selected.  


Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie is planning to tell us about Saint Barnabas. He will sing for us Let there Be Peace On Earth. 


Please continue to experience this video series on your own. Find all 12 videos at  https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html


Sign up for the Supreme Monthly Series of webinars found at kofc.org/knightcast


Webmaster's Corner
How To Sign-In/Register

Your new website is up and running with powerful tools to help all of us on our journey to continue the works of faith, family, community, and life. This tool should make our work easier, not harder. So with each newsletter I will help you feel more comfortable with this new tool.

The sign in process seems to be the biggest obstacle for new users. Our new website requires that you be a registered user to use the functions beyond the first splashed page. The splash page is designed to entice new members to join our Council/Assembly. You are already a member in the Knights of Columbus so you must first register to use the site. If you are already registered; sign in.

If you are an iPhone, Android, iPad or Notebook user the menu options are hidden under the [multiple bars] in the upper right hand corner and I have observed the red Sign In option is at the bottom of the presented list.

If you are using a laptop or desk top, The red Sign In menu option is in the upper right, corner of the home page.

When the Sign In menu option is pressed once a [Help] button in red is displayed. This is there to help you with the sign in process.

When pressing the Sign In button again you are presented with the Sign In screen which asks for a [user name or email address] and a [password]. If you have been through the registration process prior you only need to fill these fields as you know them, check the "I am not a robot" box and then press the lower left, Sign In button.

For those who have not registered you may find the red [Help] menu option helpful before pressing the red [Sign In] button again. The registration process is initiated from the Sign In screen by pressing the big grey [Register Button] right of the [Sign In] button. You must fill in a few more details and establish a password for your account. (Please write down your password so you will remember it.) Once you fill out the required information and check the "I am not a robot" box, press the {Register] button and you will be redirected to your profile page. This means you are now registered and you are taken to your own profile page. The profile page is just for you so you can add more information like your picture and picture background image. If you wish, you can navigate to other page options from the top menus.

Now if you want, you can [Logout] and try to [Sign In] again, this time using your new credentials and pressing the [Sign In] button and you will be directed to the screen determined by your user role "Subscribed" which is assigned by the website automatically. (Now if your Google or Yahoo web browser shows a side pop-up notice to remember your password then press OK.) The user role that you have been assigned is very limited. When you complete the registration process, the webmaster gets a new-user notice via email. The webmaster will then take action and determine your identity and establish your user role based on your standing in the Council/Assembly. This could take some time so be patient. The webmaster will assign your member number which is stored as a non-visible field but is used to determine the Council/Assembly positions currently holding or held in the past. If you are an officer, the appropriate jewel will be added to your profile and your user role will be changed accordingly.

If you got the the save password pop up screen when you sign in again your username or email address will be automatically filled in for you. If not, just enter it again manually.

If you forgot your password it is best to click on the [Forgot your password?] text link. This will take you though a process to reset your password. First, it asks you for your email and sends an email to that email address along with a link in the email to do a reset password. Navigate to your email. If you don't see it check your trash or spam folders and check that your email address was entered correctly. When found, click on the link in the text and it will present you a change password screen. Once changed, navigate back to the sign in page and try again with the new password. If you have more than 3 failed attempts, you will automatically be listed and locked out for 4 hours. If you can not wait that long you can call the webmaster (802) 862-2240 and he can reset it for you.

reCaptcha check box is a Google product designed to block the AI (artificial Intelligent) bots from logging in. It puts a human interface between the login and website access. Some times it will display a set of pictures and you have to decide which ones are similar. Most of time it just displays the check box for you to check. Other times it may ask a math question, but I have not seen that with the version we are using. We are being attacked daily so we have three layers of protection.

Hope this is helpful, Rick

Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021