Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,

Here are the August 12, 2021 meeting minutes prepared by Worthy Recorder, Ray Michaud. 


Please let us know if you notice any errors or omissions for correction prior to next month's meeting. 


A reminder to get your RSVP ($40/plate and menu choices) in for the Anchor Award. Let's have the largest gathering ever in honor of our Council and State Chaplain, Fr. Timothy Naples. 




Mike Bullock

Grand Knight

Council 7525

(802) 598-8179 



Council Business Meeting Minutes August 12, 2021



1.  Call to Order:  Called to order by GK Mike Bullock at 7PM.  Membership cards of attendees were checked and verified. Thirteen council members attended in person including the Worthy SD; the WDD attended in person as well. On Zoom there were four council members present along with the State Membership Director. Total number of attendees was 19.  


2. Opening Prayer:  The Lord's prayer was led by GK Mike Bullock


3. Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited and led by GK Mike Bullock


4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting:  Meeting minutes of last meeting (June) were reviewed electronically by the membership prior to the meeting. No changes were recommended, and the minutes approved as written.


5. Chaplain’s Message:  None.  Chaplain was not present.




6. Grand Knight's Report:



·       Grand Knight welcomed honored guests from the State Council (State Deputy Steve Shover, State Warden and DD3 Bill Lacroix and State Membership Director Ed Nuttall).

·       In the interest of allowing sufficient time for comments from the State Council guests, Grand Knight referred members to both the Council 7525 Newsletter (e-mailed and on council website) and the Vermont State Council Newsletter for the bulk of his report. 

·       Grand Knight asked members to continue supporting the Knightcast and Into the Breach series offered on the Supreme Council website.

·       More volunteers for the installation of state officers on Aug. 15th at St. Joseph's cathedral are still needed.  Please sign up on the council website. Mass will be at 10AM followed by the installation and a BBQ.

·       Please log on to the council website and provide comments or log-in issues with the council webmaster.

·       Anchor Award honoring our Chaplain, Fr. Tim Naples, is September 3rd at 6 PM at the Delta Hotel in South Burlington, VT.  Please RSVP and send in your check ($40/plate) and menu choice(s).

·       GK reiterated the need for all brother knights who are still 1st or 2nd degree knights to take the on-line exemplification to attain full knighthood.  The exemplification runs about 30 minutes.  Please let the GK and FS know when you have completed this.




7. Financial Reports

Financial Secretary: 

·       Council Audit was completed and submitted on time.

·       New signature cards for council bank account have been completed.

·       Investment account now stands at $502,657.05

·       Budget committee needs to meet to finalize council budget for next fraternal year

Treasurer:  Report not available.  Treasurer's mobility due to recent ankle injury did not allow for acquiring latest bank statement to reconcile account.


8. Membership:   State Membership Director Ed Nuttall gave a presentation on recruitment and retention via a Zoom connection.  Presentation is available from the State Council.


9. Other Reports


District Deputy Remarks

·       DD encouraged council to continue good works for the Faith In Action campaign. Do not forget to record all good works and submit to Supreme for possible publication.

·       Delta Church (Church membership drive): The State Council and Supreme are available to assist with membership drives.  Refer to the following website for suggestions and materials  http://www.kofc.org/en/members/membership/recruitment-strategies/church-drive.html

·       DD congratulated Council 7525 in attaining the Founders and Columbian awards last year.

·       DD reiterated need for volunteers for installation mass on Aug. 15th.

·       Reminder that the first feast day for Fr. McGivney is 8/13/2021. On-line holy hour and litany will be available for all who wish to participate.  The Catholic Church is praying/waiting for a second miracle needed to elevate Fr. McGivney to sainthood.


State Deputy Remarks

·       SD extended greetings from the State Council and Supreme Knight Patrick Kelley

·       SD extended personal thanks to all members who attended his mother's funeral.  Level of attendance demonstrated true brotherhood.

·       Day of Prayer for Clergy (started by Bro. Patrick Leduc) is gaining widespread interest across the order.  SD stated that he has a commitment from all other New England state deputies as well as the state deputies of Hawaii, Utah and Virginia to conduct a Day of Prayer in their states on Nov. 13th.  This program will be brought up to the leadership at Supreme with the goal to make this an Order-wide event.

·       The Supreme Council has introduced a COVID Recovery Program (CRP). This program focuses on resuming operations in a way that inspires members and parishioners to become re-involved with Church and community activities. The CRP has three key elements: parish support, interactions between state and local councils, and fraternal engagement.  Check the Supreme website for details.

·       SD pointed to an Ad in the Vermont Catholic magazine that has accounted for 80% of the membership growth in the state.  Advertising does help.

·       Last year, Vermont Knights raised/donated over $221,000.00 for charity and contributed more than 63,000 hours of volunteer service.

·       Make sure your council continues to submit program activities using the STFP form. Forms should also be sent to State Prog. Director Bill Lacroix.

·       Supreme is strongly pushing membership participation in Eucharistic Adoration. 

·       Mobile Ultrasound Summary:  Vermont has raised $56,571.94 for the mobile ultrasound van and Aspire Together has raised over $200,000.00 (more than 85% of goal).  Supreme has already cut a check to Aspire Together for the cost of the machine and the van should be outfitted for use by November.  Due to our pastor's major impact on this, the van, when completed, will be brought to St. John Vianney to receive a blessing from the bishop.

·       SD closed his remarks by quoting from the 13th chapter of the Gospel of St. John.  The message to all members is to not hesitate in serving our brethren as Jesus did when he washed the feet of the apostles.


Insurance Agent:  None.  Agent was not present.




10. Unfinished Business





1. Vote to accept new member, Chris Johnson (sponsored by PSD/PGK Don Sutton) to the Council.  After a short discussion, the new member was approved unanimously.

2. Vote to accept amended Council By-Laws.  Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously.

3. Vote to reimburse SJV $350 for tent rental in support of Parish picnic.  Motion made, seconded, and approved.




Other Business



·       Keep Christ in Christmas: Jay Benson has looked at both locations and is beginning the work.

·       PSD, PGK Don Sutton Porch has been completed by Worthy Warden Jay Benson.  Minor cost of repairs of about $20 was reimbursed to Jay.  Work included sealing the deck.

·       Need to install our stone in front of SJV. This will require site work, base preparation, etc.  DGK stated that an electrician has been contacted to inspect the area for location of electrical conduits.  Dig Safe may need to identify location of existing wiring or any other utility that may lie beneath the proposed location of the stone.

·       Need to determine our contribution to sign repair at SJV (St. Jude signs also need attention)

·       Post-COVID-19 “Welcome back Breakfast” at SJV in planning stages. Council website will be used to sign up members interested in working this event.  Date to be determined after confirming with pastor.

·       St. Jude Parish has asked if council is interested in putting on a breakfast for the CCD classes.  This would recur on a monthly basis.  After some discussion, council decided to support the St. Jude request ahead of the Welcome Back Breakfast.  Date is TBD pending confirmation with St. Jude.

·       Polo shirts with Logo and council name (personal name optional). Send check to Worthy Warden Jay Benson NLT 12 AUG if interested.

·       Fr Tim’s Knights for Life 50 Rosary Campaign. (Sign up through our website (kofcvt.org) or directly to Fr. Tim’s blog (ubipetrusvt.com)




11. New Business (new motions)



·       Holy Hour (requirement from Supreme is quarterly with exposition of Blessed Sacrament and a short scripture reading before each decade of the Rosary.)  Proposal for monthly with rotation among 4 Parishes. Can we support? (Knights would lead the Rosary and read the scriptures). After some discussion a thought of holding this during an hour of the First Friday expositions might bring more parishioners to First Friday.  GK will discuss with Fr. Tim first.

·       Fund Raiser for Intellectual Disabilities (Tootsie Roll) was discussed at some length with a decision to hold this only after the weekend masses (due to COVID).  Per State Officers in attendance, this should be held before the end of October.  The webmaster will be asked to set up a sign-up page on the council website for this.  Coverage will be needed for St. John Vianney, St. Catherine, St. Jude and OLMC.  Project will again be under the guidance of Bro. Ted Barrett.




12. Good of the Order




Vickie Linton (relative of DD3), Norm Groleau (chemotherapy), George StevensJames ReadRichard Waite, Robert Morris, Richard Gravelin (multiple foot fractures suffered in a bad fall), Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock (chemotherapy), Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Bob Wilkens, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, and for new Members to join the Order.


Our Knight of the Month for July is PGK Jay Benson.


Our Family of the Month for July is the Alice and Jay Benson Family.




13. Lecturer's Reflection



Brother Bernie Prendergast gave a short dissertation on St Barnabas followed with the song Let There Be Peace On Earth




14. Grand Knight's Summary

Don't forget to sign up for helping with the Installation of State Officers on Sunday.




15. Closing Prayer



Prayer for Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney

God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


16. Adjournment GK Adjourned the meeting at 8:32 PM.




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Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021
