Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
Grand Knight, Michael Bullock
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14, 16)
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Worthy Officers, Brothers, and Sir Knights,

There is a lot of good work to do in 2023. 

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9: 37-38.

Brothers we need to increase our ranks and engage more of our membership in the work of the council. The same twenty +, - (about 15% of membership) have consistently done the work of the whole council.  

Understandably, many of our members are elderly or disabled, so there can never be an even distribution of work. We owe our senior members a great debt of gratitude for their past contributions. The best solution is for all of us to recruit a new member that will enthusiastically take on the responsibilities of the council. Doing so will allow us to accomplish even more good works.

Make sure you have invitation cards to join K of C online in your wallet or pocket. Put your name, council # and phone number on the back. Liberally give them out to potential Knights. We will be having a membership drive at all our Home and Round Table Parishes soon. Please volunteer to speak to the congregation about why you joined, and why you remain a Knight. If public speaking is not your “thing”, you can pray for new members, and/or testify about the benefits of membership to potential candidates in person after a Mass.

We need 8 new members this year to make our quota. More importantly, you will improve the distribution of tasks within the Council, making all burdens lighter and sharing the joyful experience of service in emulation of Christ. New members will gain millions of brothers who share your values and commitment to service along with the tangible benefits of membership.

I know many of you have donated your time and treasure to serve others in 2022. Please take the time to document your commitment by completing and submitting Form 1728a Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet by January 20, 2023. 

Finally, if you have not done so, please pay your dues. Thank you. 

May God bless you abundantly this year, and every year.

Mike Bullock

PS Are you aware that St Thomas Aquinas (Feast day 28 JAN), a Doctor of the Church, wrote a proof of the existence of God? Yes he did. You can read an understandable explanation of these proofs by Fr Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. at the Magis Center website. 


Jesus is Lord, Messiah, and Savior!


The third installment of my video series on the Holy Eucharist is available at this link. Merry Christmas!


Reflections of the Eucharist #3a: The Mysteries of the Eucharist - YouTube


In Christ with Mary,

Fr Timothy Naples


No warnings this month!



The last Council Business Meeting was held in person and remotely on ZOOM 08 December 2022 at 7:15 PM after Holy Day Mass. Chicken Alfredo was provided by Tom Gravelin. DGK Dave Martin presided in excused absence of the GK.

Steve Gentile made a presentation to the Council on the need to re-balance our portfolio in light of market volatility. (The plan was subsequently approved by the Trustees.)

Minutes were sent to all members for approval.

The last Officer Meeting was held in person and on ZOOM on 5 January at 6:30 after pizza and salad. GK's wife baked Christmas Sugar cookies. The officers discussed upcoming projects and taking down Keep Christ in Christmas signs and creche. Council officers agreed to cook and serve breakfast again at St Jude Round Table Parish on 12 FEB 23.

Worthy Trustee and SuperBingo committee chair Tom Gravelin reminded us that the super bingo for kids with cancer was scheduled for 23 April. Planning will begin this month.

Worthy Recorder Ray Michaud reported his committee is still looking for a useable bingo machine in support of monthly bingo at St John Vianney or St Jude. More to follow. The bingo machine at St Marks is not suitable due to age and an inability to clear the machine.  

The Advocate, Dave Bean, is ready for scholarship applications. He asked that we run info in our Church Bulletins. Good will donations reduced the cost of food prior to both Meetings. 


The Website Development Team continues to work to make our website more user friendly. kofcvt.org.  


Our next business meeting is 12 January at 6:30 PM in person and on Zoom. Dave Martin will provide home-made chili, Dave Bean will bring in a salad, Rick Labrecque will make corn bread and Charles Brown is bringing dessert. Opening prayer will be Vespers. 


Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239, Passcode: 297697


This wonderful series can be found at this link: https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html

Treasurers Report
Council Bank Balance: $7292.58 As_of: 01/05/2023 12:00 PM
Financial Secretary Report
Morgan Stanley Value: $353131.54 As_of: 12/31/2022 12:00 PM
Memo: From meeting



Our seventeenth consecutive First-Friday Council Holy Hour took place on 6 January from 3 - 4 PM. There were six Brothers and three parishioners present. We conducted a Eucharist centric program of readings and scripture Holy Rosary Glorious Mysteries before the Blessed Sacrament. The program was written and printed by our Chaplain, Fr. Tim Naples. It was very moving.


The next Holy Hour will be 3 February at 3 PM at SJV.  Please join us in worship of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the scripture Holy Rosary.

Pickle Ball

Breaking News! You can now play pickleball at Robinson School in Starksboro every Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 PM thanks to Ted and Kathy Barrett. I have experienced the humiliation of being a novice, but this game is easy to learn and to play. St John Vianney pickleball is also available by appointment by calling Ray Michaud at 233-0145.


BREAKING NEWS: Color Corp will be required to participate in the services of the late Rev Msgr. Roland Rivard. Wake will be Friday at Ready Funeral Home from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Funeral at St Joseph Cathedral on SAT, 14 JAN at 1000. Stand by for instructions. Obit should appear in Free Press soon.


Please pay your assembly dues as soon as possible. The Assembly is looking to grow the Color Corps. As you know, two of our most dedicated Sir Knights are unable to join us due to moving and frequent travel.


If you are interested in becoming a 4th Degree Knight, or if you are already a 4th Degree Knight and wish to join the Color Corp, please contact CCC Mike Bullock at (802) 598-8179 or mtn6@gmavt.net. The Assembly is willing to help defray the cost of the Regalia. 


The next Exemplification of the 4th Degree will take place in June in the Rutland area. Stay tuned.  


There are many opportunities to serve! In addition to prayer we have Knights in need of visitation. Don Sutton is still at Villa Rehab on 7 Forest Hill Drive in ST. Albans, VT. He is in Room 1. You can call (802) 524-3498, hit 0 and they can ring his room. His diret number is (802) 527-2700. Keep trying as he cannot hear the phone. Visits will resume when he completes his Covid quarantine. He asks for prayers. Don loves to play cribbage. George Stevens is at the Burlington Health and Rehab, 300 Pearl St. Room 520.


Note: if you would like a visitation, please call us!


You can help with taking down Church Christmas decoration this month.


You can March for Life in Montpelier on 28 JAN. Let us know if you need a ride. 


You can reserve a seat at the Anchor Award Banquet at the Barre Elks Club on 4 FEB. Again, let us know if you need a ride. Cost is $55/person.


We need cooks and servers at St Jude FEB 12 for breakfast.


We will need volunteers to talk about the Knights in  Delta Membership Drives at our Church's TBD.


We will need regular volunteers at monthly Bingo, and at the SuperBingo on 23 APRIL.


We will need help at a Special Needs Persons Summer Party-New this year!


If none of these interest you, ask us how you can help-we have more ideas. We want to hear your ideas on how to pay forward our many blessings. 

Age Well is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels.  For information about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Age Well Volunteer Team by calling 802-662-5249 or via  email: volunteer@agewellvt.org

AspireNow is also looking for help. Call them at(802) 658-8046 or visit their home page at https://aspire1.org.


12 1830 JAN 23 THU Council Business Meeting (after home-cooked meal) at SJV or on Zoom 

(https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84647582239?pwd=bHF1Y3lsM0I5eFVIbHhONmR4eTMzUT09) (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)

14 1000 JAN SAT Funeral for Rev MSGR. Roland Rivard at St Joseph Cathedral. (Color Corp event)

28 0930-1330 JAN 23 RTL March and Luncheon in Montpelier 

31 JAN 23 Form 1728 Due to Supreme

02 1830 FEB 23, THU Council Officer Meeting (After pizza) at SJV or on Zoom

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84053360051?pwd=VUoveHR3WktLVGplbk1MRkU1QVJqQT09 (Meeting ID: 840 5336 0051. Passcode: 179347)

03 FEB 23 FRI Holy Hour 1500-1600 at St John Vianney. Join us and lead a decade of the scripture Holy Rosary

04 1730 FEB 23 SAT Anchor Award Banquet (Jim Candon) Rutland, VT

(Let’s carpool a full table from Council 7525!)

07 1900 FEB 23 TUE Men’s Night at St Jude the Apostle Round Table Parish

09 1830 FEB 23 THU Council Business Meeting (after home-cooked meal) at SJV or on Zoom 

(https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84647582239?pwd=bHF1Y3lsM0I5eFVIbHhONmR4eTMzUT09) (Meeting ID: 846 4758 2239. Passcode: 297697)

15 FEB 23 Semi-annual Council and Assembly audits due to Supreme

23 APRIL 23 SUN SuperBingo for Kids with Cancer (Camp Ta Kum Ta)

28-30 APR 23 Vermont State Convention at Stoweflake Mountain Resort in Stowe, VT

SuperBingo for Kids With Cancer (Camp Ta Kum Ta)

Brothers, our annual Super Bingo is not too far away on 23 APRIL 2023 in South Burlington, VT. Your Chairman, PGK Tom Gravel is getting the band back together (the planning team) next week. Please support this effort by rolling up your sleeves and digging in. It takes all of us to make this a success and those kids and their families are counting on us! Please stay tuned. 


Our Worthy Lecturer, Bernie will enlighten us about the life and virtue of St. John Bosco. (Feast Day JAN 31), and sing the song Hail Holy Queen.


01 Peter Dwyer, 04 Richard Gaulin, 07 Brad Chenette, 10 REV James Zuccaro, 14  Leonard Robear, 17 Robert Wolbach, 25 Robert Brunette, 29 Tim Kaczmarek, 30 Gerald Gover.

Family of the Month
01/10/2023 - Mike Bullock
December William and Michelle Bessette
Knight of the Month
01/10/2023 - Mike Bullock
December – Sir Knight David Bean
Webmaster News
12 Days of Christmas Meaning

One theory connects the carol to the era when Catholicism was outlawed in England, from 1558 and 1829. The carol, it is said, was a catechism song for Catholics to learn "the tenets of their faith," as they could not openly practice in Anglican society [source: Snopes.com]. While many still hold the idea of a coded hymn to be true, there's no substantive evidence that this was the case, nor is there any evidence that the verses contain anything uniquely Catholic.

Here are the verses of the song, along with their supposed symbolism:

A Partridge in a Pear Tree - Jesus Christ

Two Turtle Doves - The Old and New Testaments

Three French Hens - The three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity

Four Calling/Collie Birds - Four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Five Golden Rings - First five books of the Old Testament

Six Geese-a-Laying - Six days of creation before God's rest on the seventh day

Seven Swans-a-Swimming - Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

Eight Maids-a-Milking - Eight Beatitudes

Nine Ladies Dancing - Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit

Ten Lords-a-Leaping - Ten Commandments

Eleven Pipers Piping - Eleven faithful disciples

Twelve Drummers Drumming -Twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed

While these verses are what most of us associate with the "Twelve Days of Christmas," the phrase refers to an actual 12-day period. The 12 days of Christmas, in fa­ct, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Epiphany, celebrated on Jan. 6 as the day when the manifestation of Christ's glory was realized.

While sects of Christianity celebrate the 12 days of Christmas differently, certain ones, such as the Eastern Orthodox Church, consider the Epiphany to be the most important day of the Christmas season. Some exchange gifts on each of the 12 days instead of only on Christmas day.



Please keep the following people and intentions in your prayers.


William Cannon and Family, Michael Gravelin, Mark and Paulette Noyes and Family (esp. Levi age 5), John O’ Brien, Cheryl Allain, Andy Corologos, Claire Myers and Carol Alfred (cancer),Pete and Jean Gadue (Covid), Russell Waite, Kelly Jackson (daughter of late PGK Jeff Jackson), PFN Bill Ladd, PGK Bernie Hemond, Marilyn LeCount, Cher Racine, Dick and Sandy Stevens, Joe Donegan, Beth-Ann Prendergast, Mariette Nadeau, Jeff and Kay Jarvis, Tom Gravelin, Rick Gravelin, Chuck Schifilliti, Gerry SeneyRobert Gravelin, Keith Marston, Sue Cottrell, Gary Howe and Family, Parker Yvonne Lyon (Granddaughter of Tom Gravelin) and mom and dad Ellen and Garrett, sister Clara Lynn, Amy and her mother, (22 year old woman fighting cancer at Dana-Farber), Kevin and Chad Limoge, Vickie Linton, George Stevens, James Read, Richard Waite, Gene Tofferi, Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers and Family, Jeffrey Claude Danis and family, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, PGK Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, Bob Wilkens, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, the people of Ukraine and an end to the war, the Families of all of our faithfully departed brothers, friends and relatives, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, peace in Eastern Europe, that pregnant women will choose life, and for new Members to join the Order.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rev MSGR. Roland Rivard and his family. 

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sir Knight Lawrence "Larry" Brunette, Age 87, a member of the Council/Assembly for 23/22 years and for his family.

Pray also for all the victims who have died in the Ukraine War and for our dear departed. May they rest in peace. May all the faithfully departed rest in peace, Amen. And may their families be comforted by the promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint John Vianney Council 7525
PO Box 9214, South Burlington, Vt 05403
Copyright 2021