Prayers for Sir Knight Andre Ricard
Bingo Pro inc Voucher Id: 23-53 Voucher Date: 06/19/2023
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: Bingo Pro inc The Sum Of: Four thousand three hundred thirty three and 66/100 Dollars: $ 4333.66 In Payment For: Bingo Machine Check Box: Debit Card Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::

Comcast-6-16-23 Voucher Id: 23-52 Voucher Date: 06/19/2023
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: Comcast-6-16-23 The Sum Of: One Hundred fifty five and 70/100 Dollars: $ 155.70 In Payment For: Internet 6-16-23 Check Box: Debit Card Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::

Council Bank Balance: $9700.34 As_of: 06/19/2023 12:00 PM
Bank Balance: $9700.34 Quick Book Balance: $9306.58 As_of: 06/19/2023 12:00 PM Source: Bank Transaction Pull Memo: