Louis J. Trono Assembly 2106, Color Corps
Our Worthy Sir Knights are here to help out at bereavements, funerals, and special Catholic events supporting the Diocese of Burlington Vermont. Use this contact form to contact us if you need our services.
160 Hinesburg Road
South Burlington, VT 05403
Phone 802 497 0152
Louis J. Trono Assembly 2106
160A Hinesburg Road
South Burlington, VT 05403
Worthy Council 7525 Officers for 2020-2021:
Grand Knight: Mike Bullock Deputy Grand Knight: Dave Martin Financial Secretary: Charles Brown Chancellor: Dick Sevens Recorder: Ray Michaud Treasurer: Richard Gravelin Advocate: Tom Buzzell Warden: Jay Benson Inside Guard: Dinh Dang Outside Guard: Doan Vu One Year Trustee: Ken Jarvis Two Year Trustee: Ted Barrett Three Year Trustee: Tom Gravelin Chaplain: Fr. Tim Naples Lecturer: Bernie Prendergast
The 4th Degree Assembly following Sir Knights.
Faitfhul Nav.: SK Rick Gravelin
Faithful Comp.: SK Charles Brown
Faithful Capt.: SK Ted Barrett
Faithful Adm.: SK Dick Stevens
Faithful Purser: SK Ray Michaud
Faithful Pilot: SK Jim Girouard
Faithful Scribe: SK Bernie Pendergast
Faithful Inner Sent.: SK Doan Vu
Faithful Outer Sent.: SK Dave Martin
Faithful Trustee (1 yr.): SK Tom Gravelin
Faithful Trustee (2 yr.): SK Ali Nasab
Faithful Trustee (3 yr.): SK Mike Bullock
Sir Knight and Fr. Tim Naples continues in the role of Faithful Friar