State Newsletter (template)

Past Years Newsletters

Newsletter March 2021
The Knight Life
St. John Vianney Council 7525
Monthly Newsletter September, 2019
Council website: www.kofcvt.org — Grand Knight’s Contact info: Email: tleb@comcast.net 802-881-7681
Upcoming Events & Important Dates:
When What
September 12th Council Meeting. Dinner at
6:00pm. Meeting at 7:00 pm
September 10th Mens Night at St. Judes
September 26thh Formation Degree at St. Albans
Council. at 7:00 pm
September 19th Officers Installation Ceremony.
September 28th Right to Life Dinner
September 29th 4th Degree Exemplification at SJV.
Special Announcements:
Anchor Award Ceremony is October 4th at The Delta Marriott
Hotel. The event starts at 5:30 pm. All Council members are
highly encouraged to attend. See last page for invitation.
Last Meeting Minutes: After a nice dinner, the meeting
discussed the Parish picnic being on the lighter side for
attendance. Fr. Steven extends his thanks to the council for
helping with setup and teardown. Discussed a membership
committee and training. Rick Gravelin gave a report on the
Right to Life dinner planning. 4th degree elections were
discussed. Can no longer use the regalia. New uniform must
be used for official gatherings. Worthy Trustee Ted Barrett
presented the 2019-2020 programs. New requirements have
been established. Did not discuss the proposed budget for
2019-2020. The council motioned and passed the motion to
send all the monies from the Intellectual Disabilities fund raiser
to Camp O’ Hagen. The fund raised $2581.00. This will be well
received by the State Council. Announce the new date for
Camp Ta-Kum-Ta being April 19th 2020 at the Double Tree.
Prayer for Priests is going to be Saturday, 10/26 at 9:00 am.
Discussed having a District council meal to help raise funds for
the Ultrasound machine. Women at the picnic suggested the
Knights install a changing board for diaper changing in the
woman’s restroom. K of C Granite Pledge to be moved soon.
Site is TBD. The following warnings were motioned and
• $700.00 for Right to Life Dinner
• $300.00 for 4th Degree Exemplification Dinner
• $500.00 for the Anchor Award Ceremony.
Worthy Chaplin: Fr. Steven Marchand: No report
Ins. Agent Dave, No report
Worthy Financial Secretary report:
Dues are still coming in. No new Admissions. We only took in
$1640.00 in membership dues against an expected $3,600.00.
This is not a good sign for the council. The membership
dues are needed to keep the council going. Please send in
your dues.
Worthy Treasurer Report:
The account is currently at $6,000.00. $47,000 in the restricted
Worthy Trustee Report: Ted Barrett
The 2019-2020 Programs have been identified in each of the
four categories: Faith, Community. Life and Family. The
council must do a required program in each category to meet
the requirements for the Columbian Award. We have planned
the programs to meet this requirement.
Grand Knight Report: Tom Gravelin
We are currently planning for the Anchor Award. Finalizing the
room and meal details. A team is helping with the planning.
The Right to Life dinner is in it’s planning phase. We still need
people to help with setup/food prep, and clean-up. Please
contact me to help out. Brother Rick Gravelin is chairing this
The council is hosting the 4th degree exemplification on
September 29th. We will need Knights to help setup,serve food
and drinks as well as clean up.
The council has won the Columbian award for 2018-2019
year! Congratulations to all for a fine year for giving.
An officers Installation is planned for September 19th at Saint
John Vianney for 6:00 pm. I am expecting all officers and
council members to attend. This installation will be for the
three councils in our district. I am in need of Knights to plan for
snacks after the ceremony.
4th Degree News: Rick Gravelin has agreed to be the Faithful
Navigator. Ali Nasab is stepping down. This leaves an opening
for Faithful Trustee.
The 4th Degree Exemplification will be at Saint John Vianney
Parish on September 29th. Contact Rick Gravelin if you want to
help with the planning. Color Guards are needed. You have to
have the new uniform.
Old Business:
• Plan for a Family event this spring.
• New Computer and software for the council.
• Form a Membership committee.
• Phone and Internet for Office.
The Knight Life
St. John Vianney Council 7525
Monthly Newsletter September, 2019
Council website: www.kofcvt.org — Grand Knight’s Contact info: Email: tleb@comcast.net 802-881-7681
Knight of the Month: Rick Gravelin
Family of the Month: Ray and xxx Michaud
New Business:
• Anchor Award Planning, October 5th.
• Right to Life Dinner September 28th
• 4th degree Exemplification September 29th.
• Changing Table in Woman’s restroom.
• Approve the budget for 2019-2020.
Contact our Insurance Agent:
Dave Giuliani regarding K of C benefits and Ins. He can
help with Long Term care, Annuities & Retirement, as well as
Ins. Phone:802-272-6009 Email:david.giuliani@kofc.org
Recruiting: A Membership team will be created with the goal
to do recruiting in the three parishes. Core Members will be the
Trustees and Deputy Grand Knight. Steve Savoy is the
Membership Chairman and will be forming the committee.
Ed Nuttle will be visiting the council at the September Council
meeting on September 12th at 7:00 pm. He will be giving
training on the new membership program.
2019 – 2020 Membership DUES: Please pay your dues to
help the council to achieve its’ goals and programs for our
community. Send dues to Charles Brown, 93 Randy Lane,
Burlington, Vt. 05408. Remember these dues; go for the
Columbia Magazine, Supreme & State Per Capita and the
remainder to our expenses and charities. PLEASE SEND
• Vermont Catholic Charities: $200.00
NEXT MEETING: September 12th at 7:00pm
The meal will start at 6:00 pm. Meeting will start at 7:00 pm.
I would like to see new members come to the meeting so
we can get to know you.
I recently learned about a Brother Knight who does not attend
the meetings and he is a steward of the church. I would love to
see more members like him attending the meetings to share.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Please keep the following in your
prayers: Joe Lane, Yvonne Gravelin, Rick Gravelin, Jackie
Labrecque, Fr. Hamilton, Ray & Beverly Newman, Frank &
Camilla Myers, Paul Pouliot, Jeff Danis, Ray Rogers, PSD Don
Sutton, Harold Ponto, All Veterans. As always please pray for
the safety of our men and women in uniform.
Call me personally if you have a question, or ideas
Vivat Jesus, Tom Gravelin, Grand Knight
The Knight Life
St. John Vianney Council 7525
Monthly Newsletter January 2019
Council website: www.kofcvt.org — Grand Knight’s Contact info: Email: TLEB@Comcast.net 802-881-7681
Vermont State Council Knights of Columbus
2019 Anchor Award
Worthy Brother Knights:
You are cordially invited to attend a formal dinner to honor the recipient of the 2019 Anchor Award, the highest award
bestowed by the Vermont Knights of Columbus. This year’s recipient is well known in our fraternal family and
community. His commitment to community, church and council makes him truly worthy of this recognition.
Sir Knight Patrick Leduc
Attendance for this event is expected to be high so your prompt RSVP is appreciated. No later than September 15, would
be greatly appreciated. Kindly complete page 2 of this invitation and send to the name/address given with payment.
Attire for this event is tux or dark suit for the men and elegantly glamorous for the ladies. Social Baldrics as well as mini
jewels are encouraged.
Date: October 4, 2019
Place: Delta Conference Center (formerly Trader Duke’s), So. Burlington, VT. Conference center is on Williston Road
(take Exit 14E off I-89). There is plenty of parking in the back of the facility
Time: 6:30pm (cocktails) 7:00pm (dinner)
Dinner will be buffet style with several options and include dessert and coffee.
A cash bar will also be available.
Tom Gravelin, GK
St. John Vianney Council 7525
So. Burlington, VT.
The Knight Life
St. John Vianney Council 7525
Monthly Newsletter January 2019
Council website: www.kofcvt.org — Grand Knight’s Contact info: Email: TLEB@Comcast.net 802-881-7681
Anchor Award – October 4, 2019 Cocktail 6:30pm followed by dinner at 7:00pm.
RSVP by September 15, 2019
$35.00 per person
Name of Person(s)
Address: ________________________________________________
email or Phone to contact if questions:_________________________
Number of persons: _______@ $35.00
Total Amount: __________
Make check payable to: K of C Council 7525
Mail to:
Ray Michaud, PGK, PFN
10 Deborah Dr.
South Burlington, Vt. 05403