Home handicap accessible cost for Ron Sweet
Shall Council 7525 pay to farmer Ronnie Sweet $500-600 to assist him in paying for modifications to make his home accessible to his disabled mother-in-law?
Shall Council 7525 pay to farmer Ronnie Sweet $500-600 to assist him in paying for modifications to make his home accessible to his disabled mother-in-law?
Shall Council 7525 sponsor a $500 or $1,000 Game during the Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer in support of Camp Ta Kum Ta? This is not in the Budget.
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: Zachary Pizza The Sum Of: Sixty one and 37/100 Dollars: $ 61.37 In Payment For: Officers Dinner/Meeting Check Box: Debit Card Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::
Attention To: Rick Gravelin Pay To The Order: Dintey Moore The Sum Of: One hundred and 00/100 Dollars Dollars: $ 100.00 In Payment For: Beef Stew Check Box: Debit Card Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::
Bank Balance: $0.00 Quick Book Balance: $0.00 As_of: 02/03/2023 12:00 PM Source: Bank Statement Memo: Start of Account