Election of Officers for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year

Election of Officers for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year

Members in good standing of Council 7525 are required to nominate and vote on officers for the next fiscal year. The Trustees have identified and validated nominees who have a desire to perform the duties of the office they seek. Any member at the meeting may nominate additional candidates for consideration. Where two or more candidates are running for one position ballot voting will decide the outcome. Otherwise a voice vote for candidates unopposed. 

Super Bingo $1,000 Game Cover

Super Bingo $1,000 Game Cover

Shall the council vote to pay the winner of one of the Super Bingo Games in the amount of $1,000. Our start-up cost for the Super Bingo is $14,200. We will get all of that back. So far only $2,500 of the total game winnings of $9,550 have been covered. Every donation to cover the winners means more money for Camp Ta Kum Ta for kids with cancer. 

Past Dues Amnesty

Past Dues Amnesty

Should the council provide dues amnesty for returning members? 

According to WFS Charles Brown we have 28 inactive members not paying dues. Of that number several have moved out-of-state. A few others are still active in their respective parishes, but not the council. (Some of them have received Knight of the Month recognition). It is hoped that granting dues amnesty may entice some of them to become active in the council again. 

