April 2022 PGK Tom Gravelin
Expenditure of remaining Budget Items before end of fraternal year
Although the expenditures recommended by the Worthy Trustees in the total amount of $5,700 are already in the Budget, will the Council vote to pay these charities before June 30th, 2022.
Archie Myers Scholarships
Although the annual scholarship proceeds in the amount of $1,500 are in the budget, will the council vote to split the scholarship equally between two applicants?
Andrew M Gervia and Eric P Guezek-Nasab have both submitted applications this term. See the Newsletter for a recommendation from the Worthy Advocate.

Breakfast at Saint Catherine and Saint John Vianney in May
Shall the council invest up to $250 for food, and additional amounts for placemats, condiments, paper products, and manpower to plan, prepare and serve breakfast at St Catherine of Siena and Saint John Vianney Parishes in May. It being understood that the council costs will be offset by donations. Any additional funds to be donated to a worthy cause i.e. Ukraine or the defeat of Article 22 in Vermont at the council’s discretion.