Vermont Right to Life Education Fund
Shall Council 7525 authorize payment of the budgeted amount $700 to the RTL Education Fund? Check to be presented at the RTL March on 22 JAN 22 in Montpelier, VT.
Council 7525 Church Bulletin Ads
Will Council 7525 authorize the expenditure of $880 for the placement of strategic Ads in the bulletins of St Jude, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and St. Catherine of Sienna every week for one year as recommended by the officers?
Knights of Columbus Catholic Ministries Advisory Fund
At the request of our Bishop, Most Reverend Christopher Coyne, will Council 7525 make a pledge in the sacrificial amount of $100,000 to the KofC Catholic Ministries Advisory Fund to support Catholic Education, St. Joseph’s Residential Care Home and other apostolic needs as advised by a board of fellow Knights?