Past Dues Amnesty

Past Dues Amnesty

Should the council provide dues amnesty for returning members? 

According to WFS Charles Brown we have 28 inactive members not paying dues. Of that number several have moved out-of-state. A few others are still active in their respective parishes, but not the council. (Some of them have received Knight of the Month recognition). It is hoped that granting dues amnesty may entice some of them to become active in the council again. 


126th Convention Council 7525 Gift Basket Donation

Councils are requested to create a gift basket or pay to have one made for auction at the convention. We elected to donate the funds rather than create the basket. 

Check should be mailed to Joseph E. Young

375 Young Road

Craftsbury Common, VT 05827


, Submitted by: Michael Bullock, Submitter Email:, Purchased From: N/A, Website Url: , Purchase Date: 04/08/2024, Purchase Amount: 50.00

Msgr Thomas Ball Open Chaplain’s Golf fee

The budget calls for the payment of the golf fee for our Chaplain every year. (Note-if the Chaplain cannot golf-he can donate his slot to anyone of his choosing)

, Submitted by: Brad Chenette, Submitter Email:, Purchased From: K of C Council 2284, Website Url: , Purchase Date: 03/25/2024, Purchase Amount: 100.00
