Sponsor a Bingo Game during the SuperBingo
Shall Council 7525 sponsor a $500 or $1,000 Game during the Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer in support of Camp Ta Kum Ta? This is not in the Budget.
This item was tabled at the 9 FEB Business’ Meeting.
Shall Council 7525 sponsor a $500 or $1,000 Game during the Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer in support of Camp Ta Kum Ta? This is not in the Budget.
This item was tabled at the 9 FEB Business’ Meeting.
Shall the Council Members approve the lending of funds in the amount of $4,000 to the Saint John Vianney Bingo Committee. Said funds to be paid back, interest free, from net receipts of monthly bingos held at Saint John Vianney.
Shal the membership vote to approve the slate of convention delegates and alternates as nominated by the Council Officers?
Shall Council 7525 pay to farmer Ronnie Sweet $500-600 to assist him in paying for modifications to make his home accessible to his disabled mother-in-law?
Shall Council 7525 sponsor a $500 or $1,000 Game during the Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer in support of Camp Ta Kum Ta? This is not in the Budget.
Shall the Council vote to split the Tootsie Roll proceeds in the amount of $1,038.88 equally ($516.44/ea.) between Camp Thorpe and Special Olympics?