by Mike Bullock | Nov 8, 2023 | Council Warnings |
Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has asked us for a donation to increase the amount they give to charity from their Christmas Bingo. They are trying to raise $15k by having council’s sponsor games. Do we wish to make a donation?
by Mike Bullock | Nov 8, 2023 | Council Warnings |
The Council collected a total of $1,126.24 from St John Vianney and our three Round Table Parishes. The State Council asses a 20% tax or $225.25 which they donate to Camp Thorpe. The balance of $900.99 is donated at our discretion.
by Mike Bullock | Aug 9, 2023 | Council Warnings |
Will the council vote to approve the budget as recommend and developed by the Trustee’s and Officers in the amount of $19,477? (Moneys from Morgan Stanley to cover the budget will be offset by any Council Bingo Receipts, and carry-over from the 2022-2023 Budget; i.e. Scholarships $1,500, etc.)Please enter the reason for this post.
by Mike Bullock | Jun 6, 2023 | Council Warnings |
Shall the Council vote to approve the slate of officers prepared by the Trustees? (Note- all officers are willing to serve again next year)
by Mike Bullock | Apr 11, 2023 | Council Warnings |
Shall Council 7525 sponsor a $500 or $1,000 Game during the Super Bingo for Kids with Cancer in support of Camp Ta Kum Ta? This is not in the Budget.
This item was tabled at the 9 FEB Business’ Meeting.