Meeting Miinutes

Meeting Miinutes

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Council 7525 Meeting Minutes

Apr. 15, 2021

1. Call to Order: 7 PM by GK Mike Bullock (16 brother knights were in attendance; 5 on Zoom, plus 1 guest-Mrs. Alice Benson by invitation of GK)

2. Opening Prayer: Lord’s Prayer lead by GK Mike Bullock

3. Pledge of Allegiance (USA) or Patriotic Display of Loyalty: Pledge recited by all members.

GK Presented Family of the Month Certificate to Jay and Alice Benson; Mrs. Benson then departed.

4. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting: Approved by all members present.

5. Chaplain’s Message: Not in attendance

6. Grand Knight’s Report

• Grand Knight referred to minutes of previous meeting and the April Newsletter.

• Members highly encouraged to register and listen to the next installment of Knightcast (on Supreme’s website). The next telecast is schedules for April 29th at 8PM.

• Reminder reiterated for all 1st and 2nd degree members to attain their 3rd degree by visiting the Supreme website and participating in the 30-minute exemplification. Please go to and then select On-Demand Exemplification.

7. Financial Report

Checking Acct. $31,922.99

Debit Expenses: $1,673.56 (Website tools, masses for Joe Lane, Camp TKT postcard mailings)

Credits: $386.67

8. Membership Report

• Mike Gervia who joined on-line (Supreme website) was approved by the Officers. New member now needs his membership transferred from the State Council to Council 7525. New member also needs to participate in the exemplification to attain 3rd degree status.

9. Other Reports

• Programs

Bro. Tom Gravelin gave an update on the Camp TKT Super Auction.

▪ Post cards (600+) were mailed out. Steve Shover suggested that the post card be sent to the State Council for publication in the State Newsletter and posted on the State website. Also, a direct e-mail to all Vermont GKs was recommended. Sample post card is appended to end of these minutes. Printer rebated the cost of printing as a donation.

▪ Convention Room at Double-Tree has been remodeled. Need to inspect for bingo machine

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cabling. A new audio provider needs to be found.

▪ Items/donations still coming in for auction. The Newport Council is donating a gift basket.

▪ Other Reports: No official reports/statements from the Dist. Deputy, Fourth Degree, Insurance

Agent or State Deputy.

10. Unfinished Business (motions carried over from previous meetings)

▪ GK reminded members that qualification requirements for the Founder’s Award is to

participate in two webinars over the fraternal year, the council has completed one of these

already. The next webinar will be presented by Joe Jordan and cover retirement. Registration

is required at this link:

Q4avXNqEylO0wg Past webinars are available at .


11. New Business (new motions)

◦ FS Report:

Investment Account Balance: $486,737.73

4 vouchers written (see treasurer’s report)

Total of $1,290.00 received in 2021 dues to date.

◦ GK requested that Trustees begin the process of generating a slate of officers for the coming

fraternal year. GK has agreed to serve another year and encouraged other officers to do the same.

Warnings (from newsletter)

• $500.00 for Camp TKT silent auction package with a camping theme. It was noted that the

Burlington DeGoesbriand council has already pledged a “camp stove” for this package. Motion

was made, seconded, and passed on a unanimous vote. (GK has already purchased tent,

sleeping bags, lanterns, cooler, and camp chairs for the package from Costco)

• $400.00 for seminarian support. Motion was made and seconded. Ensuing discussion initiated

by Bro. Steve Shover stated that the council can receive formal recognition and a $100.00 credit

from Supreme on this if the donation is at least $500.00. Motion was then amended to

$500.00, seconded and passed. Bro. Jay Benson will submit paperwork with recipient’s name

on Form 2863.

Website Demo: A demonstration of the proposed council website was made by Bros. Rick and Tom

Gravelin. Numerous questions were asked, and the demo ran through several benefits for both nonmembers

and members. The process for registering as a new member was completed to show the

steps of joining as a member. Cost estimates for the website will be provided (and warned) for the

membership in a future newsletter. Council will investigate adding the website URL address to the

church bulletin (and in the monthly Council Newsletter)

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12. Good of the Order

• Family of the Month: Jay and Alice Benson (presented at start of meeting)

• Knight of the Month: Bernie Prendergast (“presented” to him on Zoom)

13. Lecturer’s Reflection (optional)

◦ Bro. Bernie Prendergast offered a reflection on St. John De LaSalle and concluded with an a cappella rendition of “One Little Candle”.

14. Grand Knight’s Summary

◦ Reminder to send in reports on program activities to Ted Barrett.

◦ Reminder to continue to listen to the Into the Breach series available on the Supreme Council website and on YouTube.

◦ Please keep your brother Knights in your prayers who are isolated by COVID-19. Reach out to assist where needed. If you need something, call one of us, or call the office (802) 497-0152.

15 Closing Prayer (including intentions for sick or distressed members): Mike and Pam Audette, Joe Myers & family, Jeffrey Claude Danis & family, Tom Westropp, Andrew Bolognani, PSD/PGK Don Sutton, Ray & Bev Newman, PGK Ray Miller, Stuart Fath, David Bullock, Fr. Hamilton, PGK Tom Gravelin, Ben & Yvonne Gravelin, Harold Ponto, Wally Rooney, PGK Bob Audette, Gerry Malavenda, Ed and Theresa Curtiss, Matthew Rainville, all clergy and religious, victims and families of COVID-19, First Responders, new Members to the Order.

Closing Prayer for the canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney offered by GK Mike Bullock.

16. Adjournment: Declared by GK at 8:10 PM.
