Website Fear, faithbook

Worthy Fellow Knights;
Website Fear
If you are afraid to use the website because you are afraid to do something that might damage our website “be not afraid” jp2. The website cannot be damaged by things you do. Feel free to try everything available. Nothing can be deleted nor users removed by anyone other than the Administrator. All options that are available to you cannot harm anything. If you see or experience something odd you can report it to the webmaster. The option to do this is at the bottom of most pages.
A new option now appears on your menu. This is called “faithbook” which navigates you to a new social style area of the website. The vision for this faith-based social area is to be able to invite your wives, children, and friends to join in our faith experiences within the council with a full featured social activity board away from our members working area (main site). My vision is when a new person that’s not a member wants to join our site, the administrator will vet them assigning them the roll of “family, friends” which gives them a very limited access to the member site. When they sign in, they are directed to faithbook automatically. The activity on this site does not get exposed to the outside world. It’s totally internal.
I have developed a Logo for this section:

It is my recommendation that this logo be registered with $45.00 Discussions are invited.