MAY – Dcn Patrick and Lisa Leduc

Election of Officers for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
Members in good standing of Council 7525 are required to nominate and vote on officers for the next fiscal year. The Trustees have identified and validated nominees who have a desire to perform the duties of the office they seek. Any member at the meeting may nominate additional candidates for consideration. Where two or more candidates are running for one position ballot voting will decide the outcome. Otherwise a voice vote for candidates unopposed.
Council Bank Balance: $21628.27 As_of: 06/12/2024 12:00 PM
Bank Balance: $21628.27 Quick Book Balance: $20900.20 As_of: 06/12/2024 12:00 PM Source: Bank Transaction Pull Memo:
Drummerboy Website hosting
Annual Domain renewal for our website.
, Submitted by: Rick Gravelin, Submitter Email: rickgravelin@gmail.com, Purchased From: Drummerboyhosting.com, Website Url: https://kofcvt.org/*, Purchase Date: 06/11/2024, Purchase Amount: 15.99