Shall the Council partner with the Assembly and purchase an Ad in Vermont Catholic?
The Diocese magazine Vermont Catholic has asked Knights of Columbus Councils to purchase Ads in the November Commemorative Edition of the magazine in honor of Bishop McDermott. A one page Ad is $900. We get credit for $125 for a free eighth page Ad. The Balance is $775. Split between the Council and Assembly we are Warning $387.50.
Supreme Knights of Columbus Voucher Id: 24-68 Voucher Date: 07/08/2024
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: Supreme Knights of Columbus The Sum Of: One hundred seventy five and 00/100 Dollars: $ 175.00 In Payment For: Per capita,Catholic Adv,Culture of life Check Box: Check Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::

Zachary Pizza Voucher Id: 24-67 Voucher Date: 07/04/2024
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: Zachary Pizza The Sum Of: Eighty two and 24/100 Dollars: $ 82.24 In Payment For: Officers Dinner/Meeting/Cup cakes for birthday Check Box: Debit Card Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::

St John Vianney Church Voucher Id: 24-66 Voucher Date: 07/03/2024
Attention To: Richard Gravelin Pay To The Order: St John Vianney Church The Sum Of: Four hundred and 00/100 Dollars: $ 400.00 In Payment For: Donation per bingo funds Check Box: Check Pre-Paid Check No: Pre-Paid Check Date: Financial Secretary Signature::