Matching Gift to support the People of Ukraine
Brother Knights,
Shall Council 7525 offer a matching gift for the People of Ukraine reflecting the total gifts received from our members? If so up to what amount should we match? Of course, you are free to donate directly through the Supreme Website (kofc.org)
New Member Acceptance Vote
Brothers we have a new prospective member named Gerry Seney. He will be joining us for dinner on Thursday after that we intend to vote to accept him into the council. There will be an Exemplification (online) at 6:30 PM, immediately prior to our business meeting. All Brothers who are not yet Third Degree are invited and encouraged to attend.

March – REV Timothy Naples, Council Chaplain
Article 22 Info Session at SJV
Council 7525 is underwriting this expose of the pitfalls of Article 22, a proposed Vermont Constitutional Amendment that will legalize abortion regardless of the judiciary. Fr. Tim will use the funds to advertise the event and provide some refreshments at the event.
, Submitted by: Mike Bullock, Submitter Email: mtn6@gmavt.net, Purchased From: Council GK Discretionary funds, Website Url: , Purchase Date: 03/10/2022, Purchase Amount: 100.00